
Viewing 1041 - 1050 of 1652 results

Canada’s Oceans and YOU: The Rising Sea (Part 1)

Packing and transporting over 50 specimens from the ROM to the Direct Energy Centre at the Exhibition grounds for the Canada’s Oceans and You: An Interactive Exhibition at the Green Living Show is not a simple task. Days of preparation happen: models are placed delicately in or on packing

Learn more about our PokéStops!

As Pokémon GO continues to be played around the world, our Digital Content Producer, Sarah Elliott thought she'd share a little more information about the PokéStops located around the Museum. As some trainers have found out, the game's GPS may not be as accurate as they would like

Collaboration, Family and Photography: The Process of Creating an Installation for The Family Camera Exhibition

Written By Maya Wilson-Sanchez Since September 2016, OCAD University, The Royal Ontario Museum and The Family Camera Network have been collaborating to create an interactive project for The Family Camera exhibition opening May 6, 2017. This opportunity is offered through OCAD U’s Digital Futures

Digging Through the Vaults: Rediscovery and Rehabilitation

Collector's ring with a large convex amethyst gem engraved with an image of Nike. Height: 2.2 cm Accession number: 925.83.6 Several months ago a colleague of mine and a curator from the European section were looking through a drawer of jewellery in the ROM’s Robertson Silver Storage Vault.

Meteorite of the month: martian meteorite NWA 5298

By Brendt C. Hyde, ROM Mineralogy Technician Meteorites can come from a variety of locations.  Most often we think of them as pieces of rock ejected off of asteroids during big collisions in space.  However, these collisions also happen on the planets and moons in our solar system.  The Earth

Old Collection, New Research

Dr. Chen Shen, Vice President, Senior Curator, Bishop White Chair of East Asian Archaeology at the ROM gives a preview of his presentation, Peking Man Revisited: A Who’s Who of Human Evolution at the upcoming ROM Research Colloquium this Friday, February 3 in the Signy and Cléophée Eaton

Weapon Wednesday: Pesh Kabz

Pesh Kabz daggar with sheath. Steel, jade, stone, water buffalo horn, fabric. 19th century, India. ROM 948.1.256a-b The Collection of the First Lord Kitchener. Currently part of the South Asian Study Collection in the ROM’s Education Department. Written by Aruna Panday, Ph.D Candidate York

Not just for show: how and why museum specimens are collected

Not just for show: how and why museum specimens are collected

Guest blog by Environmental Visual Communication student Samantha Stephens I don’t know which is more overpowering- the dense 35 o C air, or the peculiar rotting scent- but when I opened the first bolted door, both hit me like a powerful wave. The sign on the second door seemed quite appropriate.

Bibliothèque Comité Mgr White de l’Asie orientale

The Far Eastern Library will be closed from July 6 to July 10, 2015, inclusive. Materials could be retrieved for use in the Main Library. Please send your requests to in advance.--> Coordonnées Tél. : 416.586.5718 ou 416.586.7931 (Veuillez appeler pour connaître les heures

Celebrating the Year of the Rat: Chinese Folklore and New Year Prints

  January 25, 2020, marks the beginning of the Year of the Rat 鼠, the first animal in the Chinese zodiac. The Chinese character shu 鼠can refer to both the rat or mouse. In the traditional Chinese calendar, each year bears an animal zodiac symbol. People born in a specific year are thought to