
Viewing 1101 - 1110 of 1652 results

Komodo Dragon Preparation, Step Two: To the Bug Cave! I mean, Bug ROOM

Komodo Dragon Preparation, Step Two: To the Bug Cave! I mean, Bug ROOM

Viewer discretion advised. Images depict a Komodo Dragon being dissected as it is prepared for the ROM's collections. Our Komodo Dragon, the newest addition to the Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity is ready for the next stage in the process of becoming a museum specimen- the Bug

Empty Skies: Behind-the-Scenes- Recreating Passenger Pigeon Habitat

Empty Skies: Behind-the-Scenes- Recreating Passenger Pigeon Habitat

Guest blog post by environmental visual communication student Justine DiCesare, with photos by Vincent Luk   During my summer placement as an environmental visual communication student with ROM Biodiversity, I had the opportunity to meet with the talented ROM technician Georgia Guenther. Georgia

Museum Monday with Melissa- June 22, 2015

Museum Monday with Melissa- June 22, 2015

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer so far! Yesterday was the first day- and the longest day of the year. Time to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather. What a perfect time for the Museum to have so much to offer. Whether going with friends, family or a first date, there is something for

REX Is Coming to Town

REX Is Coming to Town

The ROM is a hotbed of Martian activity – along with our expansive collection of meteorites from Mars (out of only ~100 samples known on earth, we have pieces of 22 of them!), over the holidays we will play host to REX, a Mars rover prototype. REX (short for Robot EXplorer) is one of nine rovers

An Interview with Jameel Jaffer

An Interview with Jameel Jaffer

With his talk at the upcoming 11th annual Eva Holtby Lecture on Contemporary Culture, part of the ROM Speaks series, constitutional lawyer and civil liberties advocate Jameel Jaffer will focus on the phenomenon of official secrecy. Zeroing in on the legal, political, and social repercussions of

La collection d’art judaïque du Dr Fred Weinberg et de Joy Cherry Weinberg

La collection d’art judaïque du Dr Fred Weinberg et de Joy Cherry Weinberg

Collectionner est une passion qui nous rapproche du monde qui nous entoure. Bien que le terme évoque souvent des achats de premier ordre dans des salles de ventes, pour les collectionneurs Joy Cherry et le regretté D r Weinberg, il s’agit aussi d’une démarche significative au cours de

The Game Show at the End of the World

Having laid awake for nights on end, the fabulous Dr. ROMulous and the ROM team have devised a new game show for March Break at the ROM (March 10 – 18). Inspired by Maya: Secrets of their Ancient World and Dr. ROMulous’s recent trip to Palenque, Mexico, The Game Show at the End of the World is

Vera Kircheis- A Lifetime of Giving

Vera Kircheis- A Lifetime of Giving

Vera Kircheis with her late husband Albert Kircheis At 87, Vera Kircheis’ energy and vibrant laugh is infectious. The more time you spend with her, the more apparent her love for art, history and travel becomes. Vera’s appreciation for culture and unique objects started early; “My father was

La passion de la mode

La passion de la mode

La passion de la mode « Je n’oublierai jamais cette journée, déclare Patricia Harris. La robe de Dior, d’un rouge vif superbe, était protégée par des couches de papier-mouchoir. Une autre boîte contenait une paire de chaussures noires à talons très hauts et une ceinture rouge assortie.

La famille Samuel

La famille Samuel entretient des liens de longue date avec le Musée. Dès l’âge de dix ans, Sigmund Samuel s’adonne à la collection… de timbres. Un an plus tard, il entre dans l’entreprise familiale qui approvisionne les usines locales en métal. L’industrialisation du Canada à la fin