
Viewing 1161 - 1170 of 1307 results

Beautiful Bugs! A New Acquisition

Beautiful Bugs! A New Acquisition

The ROM Library has recently acquired an edition of E. A. Séguy’s Insects, published in the 1920s. The book contains highly coloured and detailed full-page illustrations of insects, executed in the expensive pochoir printing technique favoured at this time.    The scientific study of insects

Ladybug, ladybug and more ladybugs

You may have seen lots of ladybird beetles flying about recently. Unlike our native species which are adapted to Canadian winters, the Asian Multicoloured Ladybird Beetle (Harmonia axyridis) has to find a place to hibernate over the winter, usually indoors. With the warm weather we have had this

Clay sealings from Edfu, Egypt in the Greek & Roman collection

Clay sealings from Edfu, Egypt in the Greek & Roman collection

Collected in 1906 by the Royal Ontario Museum's founder, Charles T. Currelly, these Ptolemaic period clay seal impressions were originally used like sealing wax to secure rolls of papyrus documents.   #Ptolemaic seal impressions from #Egypt finally get their turn to be re-housed. Follow their

Visiting Zuul

Visiting Zuul

By Victoria Arbour Team Zuul had a chance to go check out progress on the belly block at Research Casting International a few weeks ago! The block weighs about 15 000 kilograms right now (about 30 000 lbs), and is absolutely huge – one of the biggest blocks of dinosaur that any of us have ever

Un avenir prometteur

Un avenir prometteur

Merci à nos partenaires du programme de bourses de visites scolaires  Tous les jours, l’inspiration se manifeste de nombreuses façons incroyables au Musée : un jeune élève qui examine, dans ses mains, de vrais spécimens venant de notre système solaire ou qui est initié au codage

Sir Edmund Boyd Osler

Grand philanthrope, sir Edmund Boyd Osler a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la création et l’essor du Musée. Edmund Osler a débuté sa carrière comme commis à la Bank of Upper Canada. Il allait devenir président de plusieurs entreprises dont la Compagnie de chemin de fer de l’Ontario

Winter Visitors in Hands-on Biodiversity

It’s that time of year!  ROM for the Holidays is finally here, and we’ve been hard at work in the Keenan Family Gallery of Hands-on Biodiversity (HOB for short) getting some new hands-on activities ready to go. First up is the brand-new, never-before-seen touch table that we put together in

CANADA 150 – Newfoundland and Labrador – Sarah Savarey Hat Box

CANADA 150 – Newfoundland and Labrador – Sarah Savarey Hat Box

I’m starting my Canada 150 blogging project in Newfoundland and Labrador. Why? To start, it is the province that lies geographically furthest east, and moving east to west is an easy organizational structure. More deeply, Newfoundland and Labrador was one of the last provinces to join

Galerie Willner Madge de l’aube de la vie

Galerie Willner Madge de l’aube de la vie

La première galerie du genre en Amérique du Nord fait revivre l’aube de la vie   Remontez le cours du temps et vivez l’épopée des origines de la vie sur notre planète, il y a quelque quatre (4) milliards d’années. De quand date la vie sur Terre? Et nous, quand sommes-nous apparus?

Let there be Light

Let there be Light

Textiles from the collection are frequent visitors to the photo studio. They come in all forms: big or small, mounted or flat, modern or ancient, fragrements or complete costumes- you get the picture. Anything from our vast textile collection could be brought to the studio for photography. The