
Viewing 1171 - 1180 of 1652 results

Bishop White Gallery of Chinese Temple Art

Bishop White Gallery of Chinese Temple Art

Religious murals survive the march of time.   The Paradise of Maitreya, the magnificent mural that dominates this gallery, adorned the wall of a Chinese Buddhist monastery that no longer exists. It was created more than seven centuries ago during the Yuan dynasty, when Khubilai Khan ruled and the

Galleries of Africa: Nubia

Galleries of Africa: Nubia

The Kingdom of Kush: The lost civilization of ancient Nubia.  At one time, the ancient Nubian Kingdom of Kush covered the whole Nile Valley, from the Mediterranean Sea to the highlands of Ethiopia. The Nubian's writing system was the second oldest in Africa after Egyptian hieroglyphs, and

The LEGO Maya Pyramid that 5000 kids built

The LEGO Maya Pyramid that 5000 kids built

For our March Break programming this year I wanted to mark the 50 th  anniversary of the excavation of an incredible ancient Maya site-  Altun Ha, Belize, and introduce a whole new generation to this fascinating find. So I proposed that we build the temple pyramid out of LEGO and ask our visitors



As the ROM's photographer, I get to see and handle some really neat things. Today for instance, Ian Nicklin the ROM's resident meteorite specialist, came to the studio with three thin slices of a meteorite. This particular specimen, NWA 5232 for the 5232nd metorite from North West Africa

Museum Monday with Melissa- April 27, 2015

Museum Monday with Melissa- April 27, 2015

With May just a few days away and warmer weather upon us, you can count on an innovative and creative week at the Royal Ontario Museum.  ROM Speaks: The Narrow Edge: A Tiny Bird, An Ancient Crab, And An Epic Journey Adults will enjoy learning about the biodiversity.  This moderated evening event

Museum Monday with Melissa- October 6

Museum Monday with Melissa- October 6

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend.  With FNLROM starting off the season and Nuit Blanche! One of the exciting upcoming events is Masters of Dreams: The French and Swiss Jewellers.  It is taking place  Tuesday, October 6, 2015 from  7:00pm- 9:30pm. You can explore the world of of

Le Comité Mgr White: les Amis de l’Asie orientale

Fondé en 1960, le Comité M gr White regroupe les personnes qui s’intéressent particulièrement aux collections de l’Asie orientale (Chine, Japon et Corée) et désirent soutenir les activités de cette section. Afin de promouvoir une meilleure connaissance de la Chine, du Japon et de la

Les Amis des textiles et du costume

Les Amis des textiles et du costume mettent en valeur la collection spectaculaire de textiles et d’articles de mode du ROM. Ces objets racontent des histoires, notamment personnelles, relient cultures et sociétés, et témoignent de pratiques et d’innovations ingénieuses. Notre objectif est

Tattoos: Exploring Tattoo Culture Around the World

Tattoos: Exploring Tattoo Culture Around the World

Guest blog by Sascha Priewe, Managing Director- Culture Centres (Ancient Cultures, World Art & Culture, Textiles & Fashions) One in five Canadians has at least one tattoo, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who sports a Haida symbol on his left shoulder. Tattoos have moved into the