
Viewing 1201 - 1210 of 1307 results

Staying in Style: Books on Fashion

Staying in Style: Books on Fashion

October saw another Fashion Week in Toronto come and go- one of many events that mark the seasons of the fashion calendar.  Our interest in fashion is not new: clothing is a way to  demonstrate belonging, status, wealth or purpose, as well as to express individuality. The oldest book in the

CANADA 150- Ontario- Blue Mountain Pottery

CANADA 150- Ontario- Blue Mountain Pottery

My grandmother gave my mother some Blue Mountain Pottery candlesticks one Christmas during my childhood. I was old enough to remember it, so I was probably at least 7 or 8 years old. My mother was very excited by the gift, and the candlesticks quickly became a fixture on one of the most prominent

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Pottery

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Pottery

Despite there being almost 1,400 years of occupation at Deir Mar Musa, strangely the overwhelming majority of the pottery found at the site can be assigned to the "Mamluk" period. The period of Mamluk rule in Greater Syria (1260-1516) generally reflects an archaeological horizon that

Effacer l’histoire: La destruction d’artéfacts antiques

Effacer l’histoire: La destruction d’artéfacts antiques

par  Clemens Reichel, Sascha Priewe et Sheeza Sarfraz Affirmer que « ce sont les vainqueurs qui écrivent l’histoire » est devenu un lieu commun, mais on signale rarement qu’en plus de l’écrire, ils la révisent. Tout comme les gouvernements maquillent les faits pour les nouvelles du

Re-enactment, Archaeology, and the Ancient Rome & Greece Weekend II of IV: The Sword

Re-enactment, Archaeology, and the Ancient Rome & Greece Weekend II of IV: The Sword

The sword is one of the definitive weapons of the Roman soldier, right from the earliest days of the Empire. The Romans were very keen on swords, and gained much from contact (read conquering) the Iberians of Spain and Gauls of France. The carnage created by the slashes and thrusts of the Roman

"All manner of Sychenesses": Domestic Medical Books

"All manner of Sychenesses": Domestic Medical Books

The late winter months often coincide with cold and ‘flu season, a time when we look for remedies to help cure runny noses or coughs. Now we might turn to the internet for this kind of information, but in years past people would have consulted the household medical book for advice.   One of the

Padded Hangers 2.0: Revamping Storage for Fitted Jackets

Written by Priscilla Lo, Textiles & Fashions intern from Fleming College, under the supervision of Kristiina Lahde (Textiles & Fashions collection technician) and Karla Livingston (Textiles & Fashions senior technician) Hanging storage is a common method of housing garments within

CANADA 150- Nova Scotia – Amos Pewter

CANADA 150- Nova Scotia – Amos Pewter

Mahone Bay is a beautiful town just south of Halifax, on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia. I stopped there on a holiday with my family this summer, and was charmed by the sheltered harbour, the tall trees, and the lovely shops. It was a perfect place to stretch our legs and eat some ice cream. When

Canada 150- Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia- table, crock and plate

Canada 150- Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia- table, crock and plate

Continuing my geographically rooted exploration of the Canadian Decorative Arts Collection, as the year of the dubious Canada 150 draws to a close, I come to the West, and am going to highlight some objects from our collection here from each of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia all in one

Science, Art and Technology: An Interview with Deborah Samuel

Lizard.I © Deborah Samuel 2012/Courtesy of the Royal Ontario Museum. On the surface, the works in  Elegy: Deborah Samuel appear to reveal a strictly naturalist approach to representing biological remains. However, these striking images of animal skeletons, ten of which are ROM specimens, tell