
Viewing 1221 - 1230 of 1652 results

Fits like a Space Glove

Fits like a Space Glove

Imagine you’re floating in space, tethered to your spacecraft as you carefully repair an instrument during a routine spacewalk. You’ve been at work for nearly three hours, performing tasks that require incredible mental and physical stamina. To your surprise, your greatest discomfort is in your

Visites guidées

Visites guidées

Les Guides du ROM, des guides bénévoles pourvus d’une solide formation, vous proposent des visites guidées en français du mercredi au dimanche à 14 heures. Elles sont habituellement comprises dans le prix du billet d’entrée. La visite d’une exposition temporaire exige l'achat



Where play meets learning. ROM welcomes families to a reimagined play-based learning space — a space that invites young children to experiment and connect with the Museum in a playful, interactive, and fun environment.  Just as children's experiences of the world around us change as they

Ressources pour développeurs de jeux vidéo

Missions spatiales Images 2D et 3D de la NASA Jeux inspirés des données de la NASA Qui n’aime pas l’espace? Quoi de plus cool? Voici certaines de nos ressources préférées qui vous aideront à vous inspirer du thème de cette année. Et, vous savez quoi?, la plupart d’entre elles sont

Illustrations that Bring the Past Back to Life!

Illustrations that Bring the Past Back to Life!

Meet Danielle Dufault—she is the Royal Ontario Museum's paleaontological illustrator. Danielle’s job requires her to reconstruct or depict prehistoric life according to current knowledge and scientific evidence using several illustrative techniques. Working closely with the researchers

Collections: Art and Culture

Art & Culture The Department of Art & Culture is one of two curatorial departments under the Collections and Research Division. The ROM holds nearly 1 million objects of art and culture from around the world, dating from pre-historic civilizations to present day contemporary artworks.

Weapon Wednesday: The Long History of an Irish Bronze Age Sword

Weapon Wednesday: The Long History of an Irish Bronze Age Sword

A bronze sword in the ROM's collection (ROM no.909.68.1) has an interesting history. It is of a type named after Ewart Park, a site in Northumberland in Northern England. The type seems to have developed in what is now Northern England, and became the main sword type of the Late Bronze Age of

 Le cycle de vie d’un nouveau fossile. Venez rencontrer un ancien cousin du polychète.

Le cycle de vie d’un nouveau fossile. Venez rencontrer un ancien cousin du polychète.

Karma Nanglu Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment on en vient à décrire un nouveau fossile? Avez-vous déjà ramassé un ver de terre, un jour de pluie, en vous demandant d’où venait cet animal »? Dans ce blogue du ROM, je vous expliquerai petit à petit la description du fossile

Museum Tours

Daily Tours Free with Museum admission, daily tours are offered to the public by trained volunteer Docents. Tours include general Museum tours, specific gallery tours and tours of special exhibitions. Upcoming  Daily Tours Access Tours The ROM is committed to accessibility for all visitors and

On the GO with the Maya High Priest

This morning, the ROM’s Maya High Priest hopped on the GO-Train giving commuters a surprise welcome with their morning coffees.  Promoting the final days of Maya: Secrets of their Ancient World before it closes on April 9, 2012, this was a fun event for everyone (and a chilly one for the our