
Viewing 1241 - 1250 of 3090 results

ROM Game Jam: FAQs

JUMP TO:  Basics | ROM Venue | Team Info | Games | Post Game Jam BASICS + What is a Game Jam? From Wikipedia: “A game jam is a gathering of game developers for the purpose of planning, designing, and creating games within a short span of time. Game developers are generally made up of

Go with the Flow: Technology & Early Glass

Go with the Flow: Technology & Early Glass

Glass is probably the most fluid of solids. Looking at blown glass, such as that in the ROM's Chihuly exhibition, is like watching movement made still. If you look carefully at the handles of the perfectly preserved handles of this Roman glass vase from Syria (above), it looks as though it is

Learn more about our PokéStops!

As Pokémon GO continues to be played around the world, our Digital Content Producer, Sarah Elliott thought she'd share a little more information about the PokéStops located around the Museum. As some trainers have found out, the game's GPS may not be as accurate as they would like

ROM Collections Contribute to Checklist of Indian Birds

ROM Collections Contribute to Checklist of Indian Birds

Museum collections are often undervalued and misunderstood. Regular visitors to the ROM don’t get to see what lies behind the public galleries, and yet less than 1% of the ROM’s collections are on display. These collections do far more than gather dust: they are a reference point in time, and,

The TRCA Calls Upon Batman for Help

The TRCA Calls Upon Batman for Help

It’s been a hot summer, the sun is shining and the Scarborough Bluffs are standing tall above the Lake Ontario shoreline. But they might not be for long. The Scarborough Bluffs in Toronto’s east end are eroding at a rapid rate, increasing the likelihood of slope failure and damage to local

Asteroids (Temporary Case Refresh)

Asteroids (Temporary Case Refresh)

Asteroids are rocky, left-over material from the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago.  They are time capsules, preserving information about how the planets formed and perhaps even the origins of life.  This new asteroid display will showcase unique samples from the ROM’s

Les astéroïdes

Les astéroïdes

Les astéroïdes sont des roches datant de la formation du système solaire il y a 4,5 milliards d’années. Telles des capsules témoins, ils nous renseignent sur la formation des planètes et peut-être même sur l’origine de la vie. Cette nouvelle installation sur les astéroïdes réunit

Were These Peruvian Mummies Climate Change Nomads?

Words and photos by Lisa Milosavljevic   ROM Ancient (@ROMAncient) is in southern Peru at the 1,400 year old archaeological site of Quilcapampa until the end of August 2016. This is a ROM-led project with Justin Jennings, curator of New World Archaeology. The project is run in collaboration with

A Different Kind of Mezcal Worm: The Story of a Leech, a Manatee and Biodiversity Conservation

A Different Kind of Mezcal Worm: The Story of a Leech, a Manatee and Biodiversity Conservation

Blog by Roegan Vetro, ROM Biodiversity Gallery Facilitator Mezcal is a strong alcoholic beverage arguably best known for the “worm” (which is really a caterpillar) sitting at the bottom of each bottle. Invertebrate zoologists however recently decided to store a different kind of organism in

Canada helps with historic space mission to asteroid Bennu

Written by Christine Tovee, Aerospace Engineer/Technology Leader, ROM Volunteer With two days until lift-off, the countdown for the OSIRIS-REx mission is ticking away and a team led by the Canadian Space Agency has an important sensor payload on board for the trip.  On September 8 th, 2016, NASA