
Viewing 131 - 140 of 1277 results

ROM Mourns the Passing of Hyacinth Gloria Chen

ROM Mourns the Passing of Hyacinth Gloria Chen

ROM is deeply saddened by the recent passing of Hyacinth Gloria Chen. Ms. Chen was a truly incredible woman who leaves behind a tremendous legacy, both as successful businesswoman and a dedicated mother and grandmother who instilled the greatest values and principles in her family.  We were proud

Raymond James, une contribution dinosaurienne au ROM

Raymond James, une contribution dinosaurienne au ROM

Peter Kahnert, vice-président principal, Communications et marketing, Raymond James Ltée, en compagnie de Janet Carding et Dianne Lister à l’avant-première de Prodigieux dinosaures réservée aux bienfaiteurs Une des valeurs essentielles de la maison Raymond James, c’est qu’elle doit

Hennick Family donates $50 million to advance ROM’s strategic vision

Hennick Family donates $50 million to advance ROM’s strategic vision

ROM proudly announced today a $50-million donation from the Hennick Family Foundation – the single largest cash donation in its history. The Hennicks’ contribution will support a multi-year revitalization plan to advance a vision to an even more welcoming and inspirational focal point of art,

Le ROM annonce un projet de transformation architecturale qui repense le Musée

Le ROM annonce un projet de transformation architecturale qui repense le Musée

Le Musée royal de l’Ontario (ROM) a annoncé le lancement de ROMOuvert, une initiative à multiples facettes qui permettra au Musée de maximiser sa pertinence pour le public, créant un centre culturel et citoyen au cœur de la ville. S’inscrivant dans le cadre d’un des objectifs

Minecraft and Museums together at the ROM

Minecraft and Museums together at the ROM

For over a year, the Learning Department has been hard at work on the development of a new approach to museum virtual visits: building an online experience using an adventure map in Minecraft to teach elementary students about Responsible Mining. We’re excited to announce that we have reached

Meet Miss Martin: Behind the Scenes at the ROM Library & Archives

Meet Miss Martin: Behind the Scenes at the ROM Library & Archives

By Nicole Marcogliese Every day for the past couple months I’ve been weaving my way through the first floor galleries searching for an ordinary door, down an ordinary hallway, in order to go somewhere extraordinary: the ROM Library & Archives. Inside the library you can find not only

Weapon Wednesday: Preparing for ROM Revealed

Weapon Wednesday: Preparing for ROM Revealed

As part of the ROM's celebration of being open for 100 years, we will be having a massive behind-the-scenes open-house called ROM Revealed on the 3 rd and 4 th of May. Thousands of visitors will have the opportunity to see our storage rooms where we keep the objects not on display. There are a

Le concours du Photographe naturaliste de l’année du ROM

Concours fermé Le concours Le concours du Photographe naturaliste de l’année du ROM en est à sa neuvième  édition. Que vous soyez un photographe amateur ou professionnel, nous vous invitons à nous faire parvenir vos photos saisissantes de la nature. Vous pourriez gagner des prix

Our Darling Dermestids- A Visit to the ROM's Bug Room

Our Darling Dermestids- A Visit to the ROM's Bug Room

Guest blog written by 2015 Environmental Visual Communication student Robert Elliot How does the Royal Ontario Museum get their Skeletons so clean without compromising their integrity? A well-kept colony of hide beetles cleans every crevice of the various cadavers in the ROM’s bug room with

Le Conseil des jeunes du ROM

Le Conseil des jeunes du ROM (Conseil) est un groupe de jeunes Autochtones et non Autochtones de cultures différentes, âgés de 15 à 20 ans, qui viennent de Toronto et du Grand Toronto. Ce groupe, dirigé par un jeune professionnel autochtone, adhère à la philosophie autochtone et au