
Viewing 1451 - 1460 of 1652 results

Thaïlande intemporelle et temple d'Angkor Wat au Cambodge

Thaïlande intemporelle et temple d'Angkor Wat au Cambodge

Rejoignez les participants de ROMVoyage et découvrez les attraits uniques de l’histoire et de la culture de la Thaïlande. Un itinéraire varié et bien planifié permettra aux voyageurs d’apprécier l’histoire et la culture de la Thaïlande et d’avoir un aperçu de la situation actuelle

Travels in India, part 1

Travels in India, part 1

Ahmedabad, India Traffic here is like a pinball machine, a crazy game of chicken, where you try not to hit anything, especially the cattle. After a day of relative inactivity, spent recovering from jetlag, I found myself bouncing around in the back of an autorickshaw, hurtling through a crazy quilt

New Acquisition: Late Triassic Araucarian Conifer

New Acquisition: Late Triassic Araucarian Conifer

Last week the museum recieved our newly acquired Late Triassic Araucarian Conifer, purchased with the generous support of the  Louise Hawley Stone Charitable Trust- Acquisitions Fund. This vertically-sectioned, polished fossil tree trunk stands nearly 2 metres in height and it over one-half metre

Curator's Corner- Nature in the City

Curator's Corner- Nature in the City

On August 31st, we had the largest number of participating partners that we've EVER had in for a Curator's Corner, including: BIObus City of Toronto Ontario Nature The Ontario Road Ecology Group ROM Publications Rouge Park Toronto Zoo Not only do we want to thank all our partners, but

Weapon Wednesday: the "djanbīyya" dagger

Weapon Wednesday: the "djanbīyya" dagger

The Middle Eastern two-edged curved dagger is one of the most recognizable weapon forms. Typically it is known by the Arab term djanb ī yya  sometimes Anglicised as "jambiya", or also often the Arabic term  khandjar, but these curved daggers are found across the Middle East. Curved

Holtby Lecture on Contemporary Culture: Antony Gormley

Holtby Lecture on Contemporary Culture: Antony Gormley

ROM Contemporary Culture presents the eighth annual Eva Holtby Lecture on November 20, 2013, moderated by art critic and journalist Sarah Milroy, former editor of Canadian Art magazine, and contributor for the Globe and Mail. In Art as Survival, London born sculptor, Antony Gormley will explore the

2013 Social Media year in review: Facebook

2013 Social Media year in review: Facebook

As the ROM’s Social Media Coordinator, 2013 was a turning point for social media at the museum. It was the first full year where we had someone dedicated to social media and on Facebook we more than doubled our engaged community. We focused this year on deploying a consistant posting schedule and

Museum Monday with Melissa- June 8, 2015

Museum Monday with Melissa- June 8, 2015

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend! After resting up (after last week’s #FNLROM) there is SO MUCH to look forward to and for the whole family to enjoy. Start this week off with something adventurous. TWO #ROMspeak events this week, #FNLROM is a Toga party, and celebrate Italian music and food.

Ultimate Dinos Sneak Peek: Dinosaurs and Wine

March 24, 2012 In the world of palaeontology, Argentina is famous for its spectacular dinosaur fossils. But in the greater world, it is known for, among many other things, its amazing wine. The province of Mendoza has been producing world-renown wine for many years, but in the last decade

Le tissage artisanal à Madagascar

Le tissage artisanal à Madagascar

Ce projet de recherche de longue durée vise à documenter en détail les traditions dynamiques du tissage artisanal et du vêtement à Madagascar, une grande île située au large de la côte est de l’Afrique. Madagascar a toujours été l’un des principaux centres de tissage de la région. On