
Viewing 1481 - 1490 of 1652 results

CANADA 150 – Newfoundland and Labrador – Sarah Savarey Hat Box

CANADA 150 – Newfoundland and Labrador – Sarah Savarey Hat Box

I’m starting my Canada 150 blogging project in Newfoundland and Labrador. Why? To start, it is the province that lies geographically furthest east, and moving east to west is an easy organizational structure. More deeply, Newfoundland and Labrador was one of the last provinces to join

Ontario BioBlitz 2013: Report from the Field

What do you get when you gather more than 400 avidly curious citizen-scientists in a 40-square-kilometre park to count species for 24 straight hours? Well… you get more than 100 different types of bird, 80 different spiders, hundreds of insects, approaching 600 plants… and a tonne of fun! In

Galerie Willner Madge de l’aube de la vie

Galerie Willner Madge de l’aube de la vie

La première galerie du genre en Amérique du Nord fait revivre l’aube de la vie   Remontez le cours du temps et vivez l’épopée des origines de la vie sur notre planète, il y a quelque quatre (4) milliards d’années. De quand date la vie sur Terre? Et nous, quand sommes-nous apparus?

Meet the Ultimate Dino Team: David Evans

“I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else,” said Pablo Picasso. We’re sure Dr. David Evans can agree that the same is true when it comes to building an exhibition. Ultimate Dinosaurs has been years in the making, and it all started with and idea from the ROM’s youngest

Gone Fish'n at Ontario BioBlitz 2013

Gone Fish'n at Ontario BioBlitz 2013

ROM ichthyology staff led an enthusiastic team of 25 volunteers into the Rouge River on September 14 th and 15 th for some serious fish collecting during the 2013 Ontario BioBlitz at Rouge Park. Our aim: to identify as many species of fishes as possible in a 24 hour period. After a quick lesson on

Introducing Acheroraptor temertyorum

Introducing Acheroraptor temertyorum

On December 16, 2013, the ROM Palaeontology team formally announced the discovery of a new species of dinosaur, a small, meat-eating raptor:  Acheroraptor  temertyorum. Based on analysis of upper and lower jaw fossils recently unearthed in Montana, the team determined the creature was quite

Unearthing the oldest dinosaur nesting site

Fig. 1. Reconstruction of a Massospondyus nesting site. Courtesy J. Csotonyi Today, an international team that includes leader University of Toronto at Mississauga palaeontologist Dr. Robert Reisz and myself announced the discovery of the oldest known dinosaur nesting site, detailed in a article

Let there be Light

Let there be Light

Textiles from the collection are frequent visitors to the photo studio. They come in all forms: big or small, mounted or flat, modern or ancient, fragrements or complete costumes- you get the picture. Anything from our vast textile collection could be brought to the studio for photography. The

The Wildlife Photographer of Yesteryear

The Wildlife Photographer of Yesteryear

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition is celebrating its 50th year, and the exhibition showing this year's outstanding images of the natural world opened at the ROM last week. Wildlife photography has a history nearly as long as the medium itself. Artists of other mediums had of

In the Shadow of the Volcano: The Discovery of Pompeii

In the Shadow of the Volcano: The Discovery of Pompeii

In 79 CE Mount Vesuvius erupted violently.  Pliny the Younger, in his eye-witness account of the event, describes earthquakes, towering plumes of hot ash, and skies filled with fire.  The heat, ash and debris killed thousands and buried the Roman city of Pompeii. This now-famous event sealed