
Viewing 1521 - 1530 of 1652 results

Celebrating the Year of the Pig

Burial figure of a pig, earthenware, Eastern Han Dynasty (late 2nd-early 3rd century), China 918.17.57  Sir Edmund Walker Collection   February 5 th, 2019, marks the beginning of the year of the pig 猪. The twelfth and last animal in the Chinese zodiac. People born in the year of the pig are

Billets gratuits

Billets de membres gratuits Tous les membres du ROM ont droit à un accès gratuit illimité aux expositions temporaires tout au long de l’année. Vous n’êtes pas tenus de réserver vos billets pour ces expositions, mais nous vous recommandons de le faire si vous avez l’intention de nous

Climate and Human Health: Creating Global Cultures of Care

Climate and Human Health: Creating Global Cultures of Care

Climate and Human Health: Creating Global Cultures of Care  Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 7:00 pm- 8:00 pm FREE. RSVP Required. Explore the direct and indirect effects of climate on human health in a panel discussion led by Soren Brothers, Allan and Helaine Shiff Curator of Climate Change. Join

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: Introduction

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: Introduction

Deir Mar Musa, or the Monastery of St. Moses, can be found about 90 km north of Damascus in the desert Qalamoun Mountains, isolated between the road from Damascus to Homs/Hama/Aleppo and the road from Damascus to Palmyra-Tadmor. The nearest town is al-Nabk, or Nebek, 10.4 miles or 6.5 km to the

My Favourite Object: A "Tell Minis" Style Lustre-Ware Bowl

This beautiful bowl, ROM Accession number  960.219.2,  was made in Syria between about AD 1075-1125, and if you read this story, you will find out why I would really like to meet the person that made it.     The first thing you notice about this bowl is its decoration. It looks lile a sphinx, a

WPY- The Proof is in the Picture

WPY- The Proof is in the Picture

Guest Blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Kendra Marjerrison Looking out the eight-foot-high windows of the Tundra Buggy traversing Wapusk National Park, Don Gutoski waited for signs of life. The guide noticed it first- a red fox moving across the snowy expanse of tundra.

Erasing History: Ancient Artifacts Destroyed

Erasing History: Ancient Artifacts Destroyed

By Clemens Reichel, Sascha Priewe, and Sheeza Sarfraz It has become a cliché to say that “history is written by the victors,” but rarely does one note that it is not only written, but edited as well. Just as governments massage facts for the evening news and tightly control who speaks with

Curiosity Makes Tracks on Mars

Posting by Brendt Hyde, Mineralogy Techncian   By 1:30 A.M. on August 6 th, 2012 1000 people had filled Time Square and 205 000 computers had tuned in to watch a car-sized rover land (or crash) on Mars.  The 2.5 billion dollar (USD) Curiosity rover is NASA’s latest engineering marvel.  It is

A Magical Place named Wide Waters

On a chilly February evening, Dr. David Stuart of the University of Texas at Austin shared his enthusiasm for the Maya site of Palenque, and took the ROM audience to a very different time and place. His lecture, entitled Palenque: The Art and History of an Ancient Maya Court, covered several

A Tale of Two Cities

Dr. Helen R. Haines has discovered many things in her years of digging, measuring and mapping the remnants of the ancient Maya culture. However, it would be a mistake to assume that what she uncovers relates only to peoples of the distant past. Sometimes, what we learn about them reveals equally as