
Viewing 1601 - 1610 of 2059 results

Diamonds, Design and Science… something for everyone.

While to the casual observer, this is an example of fine made jewellery that sits in the Gem and Gold Gallery, Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth Treasures with other fine made jewellery pieces. As is reflected in the layered design of the brooch, this piece has layers of information and history as

Life of an Isis statue, Bequest Sir Robert Mond, ROM

Submitted by: Susan Stock and Franziska Schlicht, ROM Conservation 948.34.41, Seated Isis, was brought to conservation in 1994 for examination and cleaning.  It was clear that the head had been over-cleaned and the body was over-restored.  The previous restoration had left the sculpture

Fact & Falsehood in Ancient Roman and Greek objects

This coming weekend at the ROM (June 9-10) we will have Ancient Rome and Greece Weekend! There will be re-enactors demonstrating and displaying arms and armour, ROM experts and objects, an archery range with more re-enactors, and a myriad of activities including make a lucky “bulla”, creating

Meteorite of the Month: Oriented Nose Cone

By Brendt C. Hyde and Ian Nicklin Figure 1: Meteorite showing ‘thumbprint’ features referred to as regmaglypts. As rocks from space come through the Earth’s atmosphere they are travelling at speeds as high as 70 km/s. At these speeds, air in front of large space rocks gets compressed and, in

Massive Migration

They were everywhere across southern Ontario yesterday; even in downtown Toronto. I saw a few in Philosopher’s Walk and across the Bloor St. viaduct. The Red Admirals (Vanessa atalanta) have arrived! One of our more common migrant butterflies, they were spotted in the thousands from

Meet an Archaeologist: Kay Sunahara

Providing scale for some very large ancient Maya storage jars, Actun Chechem Ha, Belize. Image: Holley Moyes In celebration of Archaeology Weekend on April 14 and 15, we have interviewed a few ROM archaeologists. Dr. Kay Sunahara works in Belize and other parts of Central America, researching

“A Rolling Stone Gathers no Moss” but the stories they can tell…

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology In September of 1959 Dr. Walter Tovell, Curator of Geology was contacted by the operators of a limestone quarry to find out whether the ROM would be interested in a very unusual boulder they found. Normally when a geologist hears of a

Biodiversity Series wins award!

The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects recognized the City of Toronto Biodiversity Series of booklets with their Service to the Environment award. The award is “In recognition of the recipient’s ongoing contribution in supporting sensitive, sustainable stewardship of the

Does a mild winter mean more insects?

With increasing frequency, as spring rolls in, ROM entomologists are asked this question: will mild winter temperatures result in more bugs this spring and summer? Unfortunately, there is no simple “yes” or “no” answer to this question  — the best response is “It depends”.  There

Age Before Beauty: The Acasta Gneiss and Jack Hills Conglomerate

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology The Jack Hills Conglomerate, a 3,000 million year old sedimentary rock from which the oldest, at 4,200 million years, terrestrial minerals have been found. The Jack Hills Conglomerate occurs in the Mt. Narryer and Jack Hills area of Western