
Viewing 1681 - 1690 of 2059 results

A Fish With a Big Bang

A Fish With a Big Bang

Fossils provide a direct record of the great ancestry and amazing evolutionary transformations of life on Earth. Such transformations occurred across unfathomable timescales of millions to hundreds of millions of years or more. Perhaps one of the most remarkable stories of such transformations

Sloth Life

Sloth Life

It’s no secret that sloths basically took over the internet in recent years after a series of adorable YouTube videos, listicles, and Kristen Bell’s infamous meltdown over her slothy Birthday gift. From the photobombing sloth to the Mona Lisa sloth, they were everywhere! Before another cuddly

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: Introduction

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: Introduction

Deir Mar Musa, or the Monastery of St. Moses, can be found about 90 km north of Damascus in the desert Qalamoun Mountains, isolated between the road from Damascus to Homs/Hama/Aleppo and the road from Damascus to Palmyra-Tadmor. The nearest town is al-Nabk, or Nebek, 10.4 miles or 6.5 km to the

Un petit poisson plein d’avenir

Un petit poisson plein d’avenir

Les fossiles témoignent de la diversité des premières formes de vie et des étonnantes transformations évolutives de la vie sur Terre. Ces changements se sont produits sur des périodes incommensurables pouvant dépasser des centaines de millions d’années. L’une des histoires les plus

ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario

ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario

In June 2014, the ROM Field Guide to the Butterflies of Ontario was published. This is the very first field guide on the butterflies of Ontario. It highlights the diversity of life by featuring a staggering 167 species of butterflies known to occur in Ontario. It includes descriptive species

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Pottery

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Pottery

Despite there being almost 1,400 years of occupation at Deir Mar Musa, strangely the overwhelming majority of the pottery found at the site can be assigned to the "Mamluk" period. The period of Mamluk rule in Greater Syria (1260-1516) generally reflects an archaeological horizon that

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Frescoes

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Frescoes

A report on Deir Mar Musa would not be complete without an account of the frescoes. Others have done most of the work studying these paintings, but my architectural study of the monastery buildings has certainly provided important informaton about the rationale for the last phase of frescoes (for

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Cave Survey

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Cave Survey

The first field-walks took place in 2004, but recorded survey of the area began in 2005 with a rapid series of transects across the catchment of the valley.  Some of the caves were clearly situated in locations which were now difficult to get to, and I rather suspected that if I did not have a

Origins of a Collection: A look at R.S. Williams' Historic Musical Instruments

Origins of a Collection: A look at R.S. Williams' Historic Musical Instruments

I Have a House and Land in Kent. Compsed by Thomas Ravenscroft (arranged by Richard M S Irwin for Flute, Violin, Bassoon and Harp), 1611. *Please Note: This composition is not from the exact period as the ROM's Hooked Harp.  The ROM’s Collection The ROM holds a wonderful collection of

Nail Art: Then and Now

Nail Art: Then and Now

Women have grown, groomed and decorated their fingernails for over 5000 years – From the women of Ancient Egypt to the nail salon industry that flourished during the 80s and 90s, nail trends have had authority over beauty regimes across regions and eras. By the late 20th century manicured