
Viewing 11 - 20 of 652 results

Into the Heart of Borneo- A Month on Mulu Mountain & LIVE Google Hangout

Into the Heart of Borneo- A Month on Mulu Mountain & LIVE Google Hangout

The team, in its entirety, has descended Mulu's treacherous slopes to convene for an interactive video hangout with audiences at the ROM's Friday Night Live event. If you are in Toronto and are interested in Borneo, drop by the ROM's "Earth Rangers Studio" in the Schad Gall

The Living Room: Creative Team & List of Works Cited

The Living Room: Creative Team & List of Works Cited

In September 2016, the ROM and OCAD U embarked on a unique partnership, which culminated in an original student-created installation that is part of The Family Camera (May 6- October 29, 2017). This work was designed by the students in consultation with their instructors and ROM staff as part of

The Living Room: Photography in the Public and Private

The Living Room: Photography in the Public and Private

By Maya Wilson-Sanchez For almost nine months now, I’ve had the wonderful experience of working, writing, researching, and creating alongside a class of dedicated and talented undergraduate and graduate students at OCAD University as well as our instructors, and curators and staff at the ROM. It

Lives and Legacies: Neil Cochrane

Lives and Legacies: Neil Cochrane

As a retired graphic designer, Neil Cochrane has a deep appreciation for good design. In fact, you could even say it’s in his blood. His family has been involved in design in one form or another—as gardeners, house decorators, and wallpaper printers—since the late 18th century.    After

LIVE: David Hockney in Conversation with Charlie Scheips

Keeps your eyes here. At 7 pm we’ll be chatting with David Hockney about his drawings on the iPhone and iPad. October 21 2:35. pm A big apology to everyone who was following our Live Blog of David Hockney in conversation iwth Charlie Scheips.  We experienced some technical difficulties that

Live @ the ROM- Ancient Greece & Rome Weekend!

Live @ the ROM- Ancient Greece & Rome Weekend!

Inside and outside the ROM on June 15th and 16th Ancient Greece and Rome Family Weekend is in full swing. Our galleries are full of experts- some in period clothing!   Try your hand at archery on our range Be inspired and create something at the arts & crafts tables Wear some replica armour

In Living Colour: the ROM’s unique collection of textiles from Madagascar

In Living Colour: the ROM’s unique collection of textiles from Madagascar

The ROM is home to over 50,000 textiles and costumes. Fifty-four of these come from the African island of Madagascar. That number may sound small, but it represents the second largest collection of Malagasy textiles in North America. And among them are some of the most intriguing and admirable

The "Maple Leaf Forever Tree" Lives On

The "Maple Leaf Forever Tree" Lives On

Guest blog post by Environmental Visual Communication (EVC) Student Justine DiCesare The famously dubbed 'Maple Leaf Forever Tree' in Leslieville (yes, the one that is thought to have inspired the song of the same name in 1867) fell during a bad storm in July 2013. A year later, I went

LIVE: Timothy Snyder on The Rise of Modern Tyranny

They say history repeats itself, and today, the price of ignoring history has been to invite authoritarianism back into the mainstream. Although they differ from the fascists and communists of the 20th century, modern-day tyrants have regularly referred to the 1930s while relying upon familiar