
Viewing 211 - 220 of 1653 results

Les Conversations du ROM

Les Conversations du ROM

Avez-vous déjà vécu tellement d’émotions, de fascination ou d’impressions fortes pour un artefact, un spécimen ou une œuvre d’art que vous auriez aimé pouvoir en parler avec d’autres ? Les Conversations du ROM sont des rencontres informelles au Musée où on vous invite à

ROM Makerspace

Launched in September 2016, this exciting space is a principal learning hub at the ROM. Students will respond to the Museum’s collections and research through problem-based learning using digital technologies and arts-based processes. Our mission is to support students in building personal and

The Trees of the ROM

Of all the wonders of nature, a tree in summer is perhaps the most remarkable; with the possible exception of a moose singing “Embraceable You” in spats. ~Woody Allen Here in the Hands-on Galleries, we care greatly about our trees, which is why we’re so excited about the Earth Weekend events

Indigenous Education Month at the ROM

Indigenous Education Month at the ROM

By Summer Catt, Kiowa Wind Memorial Indigenous Youth Intern In celebration of Indigenous Education Month in November, the ROM Learning Department presented special events for school groups including Hoop Dancing led by Ryan Runearth, Treaty Teaching led by Akeesha Nadjiwon, Inuit Games led by

Venez travailler au ROM !

Propulsez votre carrière avec la puissance de la culture.   Consultez notre liste d'emplois offerts la plus récente.   Fondé en 1914, le Musée royal de l’Ontario (ROM) est un lieu d’apprentissage et de découverte, un endroit où venir travailler chaque jour est vraiment inspirant.

A Spotlight on Illegal Pelt Trading, and What the ROM Has to Do With It

A Spotlight on Illegal Pelt Trading, and What the ROM Has to Do With It

Guest blog post by Environmental Visual Communication alumnus Matt Jenkins.  Celebrating its centennial birthday this year, the ROM has always stood as a place of education, family enjoyment and research. That is why I found it surprising that the ROM identifies nearly one quarter of its roughly

Of Africa at the ROM. Exploring the complexity of African and Diasporic experience.

The third week of October marked the launch of the three-year multi-platform project Of Africa: a rich and thought-provoking series of talks and performances entitled Histories, Collections, Reflections. Led by independent curators Julie Crooks and Dominique Fontaine and myself, Of Africa is a

Amarna Artifacts in the ROM’s Ancient Egypt Collection

Amarna Artifacts in the ROM’s Ancient Egypt Collection

By Laura Ranieri If you go up to the Museum’s third floor and make your way into the Ancient Egypt displays, you will quickly find yourself amid an impressive collection of objects dating from the Old Kingdom through to Ptolemaic times. This is just a representative sampling of the more than

Hydraulophones at the ROM – Making Water Sing!

The golden days of summer just wouldn’t be the same without water – going to the pool, eating popsicles, making a slip’n’slide across the back yard with a sprinkler and a plastic tarp – but have you ever used water to make MUSIC? Steve Mann, a Torontonian who studied at MIT, has made it

The ROM Marks World Autism Awareness Day

April 2, 2013 is an historic day for the Canadian Autism community: for the first time, Canada is officially marking World Autism Awareness Day. Essential to reducing stigma, raising awareness and improving support structures, World Autism Awareness Day also serves as a message to individuals and