
Viewing 241 - 250 of 1653 results

Le ROM de nuit: Soirée Dino

De retour de l'extinction et prêt à faire la fête.     Le ROM de nuit est la populaire série d'événements pour adultes (19 ans et plus) qui a lieu après les heures d'ouverture habituelles du Musée, et qui propose une sélection musicale, des arts visuels, des spectacles,

Le ROM de nuit: Solstice d’été

La nuit la plus sensationnelle qui soit.    Le ROM de nuit est la série d'événements populaires pour adultes (19 ans et plus) qui se tient après les heures d'ouverture habituelles du Musée. Au programme : de la musique, des arts visuels, des performances, ainsi que des bouchées

Le ROM de nuit

Le ROM de nuit

Une expérience artistique à nulle autre pareille à Toronto Le ROM de nuit est une série d’événements thématiques pour les personnes de  19 ans et plus  qui se tient après les heures d'ouverture habituelles du Musée, vous permettant ainsi de le visiter d'une façon unique.

Profile of a ROM Conservator

Working tirelessly behind the scenes, ROM Conservators help protect our collections from damage and restore objects to their previous splendor. Ok. Maybe we’re generalizing a bit, so we went right to the source and asked Cathy Stewart, Manager of Conservation, a few questions to help uncover what

New to ROM: Frances Ferdinands

New to ROM: Frances Ferdinands

For over a decade, the ROM has steadily acquired the work of contemporary Canadian artists who are part of the South Asian diaspora. Such collecting is important not only to provide points of context and contrast with ROM’s historical South Asian collections, but also to preserve the complexities

School, Dinosaurs, and the ROM Schooling about Dinosaurs.

School, Dinosaurs, & the ROM Schooling about Dinosaurs. OR The Reason why Kiron Dreaded the First Day of School. I’m not going to sit here and say I loved the start of school as a kid. In fact, as a young one I dreaded my early September birthday since it didn’t represent the same things a

ROM Research Colloquium: BLOG-A THON (Day 2)

ROM Research Colloquium: BLOG-A THON (Day 2)

Five researchers, five questions, five days. Join us for the ROM Research Colloquium on February 23 and meet our researchers! Stay for the Vaughan Lecture given by Dave Rudkin. Who or what inspired your research in your field? How did you get into researching what you are working on?   Silvia

What's special about the new copper roof at the ROM?

What's special about the new copper roof at the ROM?

You may have noticed that there is some work going on on the ROOF of the  Queens Park addition (1932) of the ROM. The short story is that the copper roof is being replaced. The whole story involves what is actually going under the copper cladding. It is not so much what you do see, but what you

Friends of the ROM

Friends groups are Associated Committees of ROM's Department of Museum Volunteers  and have been an enthusiastic and engaged presence in the Museum for many years. The first group, Bishop White Committee, was founded in 1960. Since then other groups have been established. Made up of people

Behind the Scenes: What the ROM is Doing this Afternoon

Behind the Scenes: What the ROM is Doing this Afternoon

By Deirdre Leowinata (B.Sc. Biology and EVC student) When you think of someone who works in a museum, the first (and possibly the only) thing that comes to mind is a curator. Maybe a security guard, maybe a tour guide, but usually it’s not much more than that. Little you may know, museums are