
Viewing 271 - 280 of 1653 results

ROM in the Field: Bats, Barcoding, and a Baby

ROM in the Field: Bats, Barcoding, and a Baby

ROM Biodiversity (@ROMBiodiversity) is in the fields and forests of Sri Lanka for an intense four weeks doing the first comprehensive survey of bats and other small mammals in close to 80 years. Follow the South Asian adventure on social media with #ROMSriLanka, and join Burton Lim and the Team

Le ROM de nuit: Fierté

Une fête de la fierté en développement depuis 4,5 milliards d'années.    Le ROM de nuit est une série d'événements thématiques pour adultes (19 ans et plus) qui se tient après les heures d'ouverture habituelles du Musée. Au programme : de la musique, des arts visuels,

La déesse « minoenne » du ROM

La déesse « minoenne » du ROM

Bien que cette exquise figurine en ivoire et en or (numéro de catalogue 931.21.1) soit l’un des fleurons des collections du ROM depuis 1931, elle fait également l’objet de controverses passionnées.  Au moment de son acquisition, nous croyions alors qu’il s’agissait d’un rare

Discoveries at Harvard – ROM expertise at work

This week I am in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Harvard Art Museums  here are rebuilding, and planning new galleries, and have also acquired a new collection of pottery from the Middle East.  So they have flown me down here for the week on an all-expenses-paid visit, to look at their Islamic

Meme the ROM!

Meme the ROM!

We love seeing the ROM through your eyes. Luckily we get to do this by speaking with you on social media and hearing about your visits to the Museum. We also get to marvel at the awesome photos you take and share with us. And now, we’re going to take it one step further: we want to see the

ROM Research Colloquium: Ryan Dodge

ROM Research Colloquium: Ryan Dodge

Name: Ryan Dodge Title: Social Media Coordinator On February 8th from 9:15am to 6:30pm ROM experts deliver fascinating 15-minute presentations on the latest research in the arts, archaeology and pure and applied sciences. Free (Museum admission not included). Signy & Cléophée Eaton Theatre.

Celebrating 10 years of ROM support

Celebrating 10 years of ROM support

Hosted by technology expert and journalist Kris Abel, YPC Speaks celebrated 10 extraordinary years of the Young Patrons Circle (YPC) by exploring how we interact with our world through technology. This fun night of cocktails and conversation took place at the ROM on February 25, 2015, and featured:

ROM Out & About: Earth & Space Trivia Night

Last night was the second in a series of ROM Pub Trivia nights at the Fox's Den. With a healthy turnout of 53 people, the crowd was stumped and the winning team managed 37 correct answers out of 56. How well would you have done?  Test yourself with some of these questions from last night.

Café Druxy’s du ROM

  Druxy’s Famous Deli est l'exploitant de la cafétéria du Musée. En plus des délicieux sandwichs et salades qui ont fait sa réputation, le Café Druxy’s du ROM vous offre un menu plus varié qui comprend des hamburgers, des pizzas et d’autres plats grillés et chauds. Le Café

On the Shoulders of Giants – Phil Currie at the ROM on Oct. 7th

First introduced to dinosaurs through a plastic toy in a cerealbox, renowned palaeontologist Philip J. Currie embarked on a life-long journey to study these creatures of the past. Last year, he had a museum named after him—the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum in Alberta—and this year he joined