
Viewing 281 - 290 of 1653 results

The ROM ‘Minoan’ Goddess: The Minoan Relations

The ROM ‘Minoan’ Goddess: The Minoan Relations

After looking at the best known of the dubious ‘Minoan’ figurines (which may be modern) in my last post, here I show some of the genuine Minoan objects discovered in archaeological excavations on Crete.  Read More  ► There are similarities between these certainly Minoan antiquities and the

Unfrozen in Time: From the Erebus and Terror to the ROM

Unfrozen in Time: From the Erebus and Terror to the ROM

Guest Blog by Dorea Reeser, Ph.D., Environmental Visual Communication Student, ROM Biodiversity and Fleming College Special thanks to  Tim Dickinson, ROM Senior Curator of Botany, Emeritus Ahoy there! For 167 YEARS, the search for Sir John Franklin, his crew, and their lost ships, the HMS Erebus

Une soirée célébrant 10 années de soutien au ROM

Une soirée célébrant 10 années de soutien au ROM

Les Conférences du CJB ont célébré 10 années remarquables du Cercle des jeunes bienfaiteurs (CJB) en explorant la façon dont nous interagissons avec notre monde grâce à la technologie. Leur sympathique cocktail a eu lieu au ROM le 25 février 2015. Il était animé par Kris Abel,

The ROM ‘Minoan’ Goddess: the Suspect Sisters (and brothers)

The ROM ‘Minoan’ Goddess: the Suspect Sisters (and brothers)

The ROM Goddess is just one of the ‘Minoan’ figurines in several museums sometimes thought to be fake.  These two installments of the ROM Minoan Goddess project introduce you to some of the suspected (although not definitively proven) fake figurines, and the genuine Minoan objects that may

ROM Curator Justin Jennings writes from ROMtravel trip to Maya lands.

Submitted by  Justin Jennings, Curator, Department of World Cultures.  Follow his Maya adventures  with ROMTravel. Tikal was one of the most important sites of the Classic Maya – one of the two superpowers of the Maya world that used its political, economic, and ritual might to hold sway over

ROM for the Holidays: more than just family fun

As a kid, every year starting in early December I would pre-gloat daily to my younger sister about all the wonderful gifts I was doubtless going to receive from Santa. Each morning I would check my handwritten Christmas list on the fridge, hoping to spot a subtle indication--such as perhaps a tiny

ROM Research: Detailing Wendiceratops

ROM Research: Detailing Wendiceratops

David Evans and Michael Ryan reveal a spectacular new species of ceratopsian,  Wendiceratops was approximately 6 metres from nose to tail and weighed more than a ton (2,000 lbs). Guest blog by Shiona M. Mackenzie. Fossils collected from a bonebed in southern Alberta during the summers of 2011

Earth Day at the ROM: Saving the Fastest Birds in the World!

Earth Day at the ROM: Saving the Fastest Birds in the World!

Earth Day is an internationally observed celebration promoting the protection and conservation of our planet and its myriad denizens, celebrated every April 22 across the globe. April 22 nd, 2014 was no exception, and it saw an excellent group of students, teachers and special guests gather at the

Ma première journée à Trout River (Terre-Neuve): l'arrivée des biologistes du ROM pique la curiosité des villageois

Ma première journée à Trout River (Terre-Neuve): l'arrivée des biologistes du ROM pique la curiosité des villageois

En regardant par la fenêtre, j’aperçois le reflet du soleil sur les montagnes. Après une journée fatigante, je me rends enfin compte de la chance que j’ai d’être ici. J’attends une occasion pareille depuis que j’ai terminé mon programme de  communication visuelle de

Galerie d’architecture chinoise du ROM

Galerie d’architecture chinoise du ROM

La plus importante collection hors de Chine d’artéfacts architecturaux chinois Le style architectural si typique de la Chine est aussi ancien que sa civilisation. Depuis toujours, la relation entre les demeures Yang (architecture pour les vivants) et Yin (architecture pour les défunts) est