
Viewing 291 - 300 of 1653 results

ROM Research Colloquium: Santiago Sanchez-Ramirez

ROM Research Colloquium: Santiago Sanchez-Ramirez

Name: Santiago Sanchez-Ramirez Title: A Tale on the Caesar's Mushroom What does the Roman emperor Julius Caesar, the Mayas, Central African tribes and Himalayan sherpas have in common? They all appreciate the delicate taste of an Amanita mushroom! Amanita mushrooms are widespread in forest

My first day in Trout River, Newfoundland: ROM biologists arrive, town is curious

My first day in Trout River, Newfoundland: ROM biologists arrive, town is curious

As I stare out my window I can see the sunlight’s reflection on the mountains and after a busy day I am finally getting the chance to reflect on how fortunate I am to be here. This is the opportunity I had been waiting for since my graduation from the Environmental Visual Communications program

Overgrown Bone — A ROM Paleontologist identifies the fish with the swollen head

Originally published in the Summer 2010 edition of ROM Magazine. Bluecheek Silver grunt   Q. I found this object on a beach in Oman. I think it might be part of a fish skull. If it is, can you tell me what kind of fish it is from? Mike Silver, Toronto A. You are indeed correct: it is part of a

ROM magazine presents a Mystery Object

ROM magazine presents a Mystery Object

Did you know that 97% of the Museum’s collection is not on display? While 30,000 objects do currently grace our exhibition halls, they are just the tip of a very large iceberg cloistered away here on Bloor and Queens Park. There are many factors that keep the vast majority of the collection

Tsuu T'ina Jr. Sr. High visits the ROM

Tsuu T'ina Jr. Sr. High visits the ROM

It came as a surprise yesterday when Marie Menard wrote that she had brought her grade nine class from Tsuu T'ina Jr. Sr. High School all the way to Toronto and would like me to meet with them at the ROM the next day. Today I had the pleasure of meeting these warm and well-mannered students.

Bublcam visits the ROM

Bublcam visits the ROM

Over the last few months you may have seen us around the Museum with the team from Bubl Technology, especially if you were at our ROM Speaks event on March 31st.  The team at bubl Technology have set out to make Google Streetview technology available for everyone. The camera is roughly the size of

ROM After Dark: Dino Nite

Back from Extinction and Ready to Party.     ROM After Dark is the popular after-hours adult (19+) event series that features curated music, visual arts, performances, and distinctive food and drink. Go Jurassic with RAD: DinoNite —a rip-roaring party packed with delicious eats, live music,

Many Eyes Make Light Work: ROM Field Botany

Submitted by David Baxter As student staff in the ROM Botany Section, my summer work has mostly involved sitting in a basement office updating the plant specimen database, and occasionally working with the herbarium specimens themselves. This last week, however, I’ve been in Montana and

Earth Weekend at the ROM

Earth Weekend is coming fast, and we couldn’t be more excited!  The interactive workshop with Barbara Reid will be amazing, but the Hands-on team from the Keenan Family Gallery of Hands-on Biodiversity is also preparing many more fun and interactive events for the second floor. The CWF Get to

ROM Goddesses on display for Archaeology Weekend

As part of A rchaeology Weekend on April 14 and 15 we will be putting on a small display of objects from out of the ROM’s vaults.  We are calling it Treasures of the Danube: Enigmatic Objects from Balkan Prehistory. One case will be of figurines from the Vinča culture (circa 5,500 and 4,500