
Viewing 301 - 310 of 2152 results

First Peek at Empty Skies: The Legacy of the Passenger Pigeon

First Peek at Empty Skies: The Legacy of the Passenger Pigeon

  This weekend marks the opening of the ROM’s latest special exhibition, Empty Skies: the Passenger Pigeon Legacy. It’s a bittersweet exhibit for the ROM; On September 1st, 1914, almost exactly 100 years ago, Martha, the last known Passenger Pigeon, died in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo. The

Empty Skies: Who Are the Species At Risk?

Empty Skies: Who Are the Species At Risk?

In the case across from the Passenger Pigeons in the new  Empty Skies exhibit (August 2014- April 2015), eleven different Species At Risk birds are on display. But who are these species? What are their stories? We can only share so much about them within the space of the museum gallery, so as part

Empty Skies: Behind-the-Scenes- Recreating Passenger Pigeon Habitat

Empty Skies: Behind-the-Scenes- Recreating Passenger Pigeon Habitat

Guest blog post by environmental visual communication student Justine DiCesare, with photos by Vincent Luk   During my summer placement as an environmental visual communication student with ROM Biodiversity, I had the opportunity to meet with the talented ROM technician Georgia Guenther. Georgia

La déesse « minoenne » du ROM

La déesse « minoenne » du ROM

Bien que cette exquise figurine en ivoire et en or (numéro de catalogue 931.21.1) soit l’un des fleurons des collections du ROM depuis 1931, elle fait également l’objet de controverses passionnées.  Au moment de son acquisition, nous croyions alors qu’il s’agissait d’un rare

To X-Ray an Egg: Behind the Scenes of Empty Skies

To X-Ray an Egg: Behind the Scenes of Empty Skies

“That egg is approximately one hundred and forty-four years old,” says Brad Millen, a technician who works in the ROM’s Natural History collections. Suddenly the large speckled shell that sits in the palm of my hand feels just a little bit heavier. I feel the weight of its place in the world-

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Prehistoric Remains

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Prehistoric Remains

Since 2004 I had walked the Qalamoun mountains around the monastery of Deir Mar Musa looking for archaeological features to record. In all that time I found one lithic, a stone tool from humanity’s prehistoric past. My colleagues back home that specialised in these objects would say that I just

Empty Skies: Resurrecting the Passenger Pigeon Backdrop

Empty Skies: Resurrecting the Passenger Pigeon Backdrop

Special thanks to ROM Ornithology technician Mark Peck A long time ago, in a ROM gallery quite different from today’s, there was a diorama that showcased a migrating flock of passenger pigeons. It gave the viewer a sense of what it might have looked like as they travelled in their vast groups