
Viewing 331 - 340 of 1360 results

Life of an Isis statue, Bequest Sir Robert Mond, ROM

Submitted by: Susan Stock and Franziska Schlicht, ROM Conservation 948.34.41, Seated Isis, was brought to conservation in 1994 for examination and cleaning.  It was clear that the head had been over-cleaned and the body was over-restored.  The previous restoration had left the sculpture

Amphibians and Reptiles of Guyana

Amphibians and Reptiles of Guyana

The Guiana Shield region of northeastern South America, of which Guyana is a part, has been recognized as a global biodiversity hotspot by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and other organizations. ROM research has contributed to the documentation of the biodiversity of this important region.

A.G. Leventis Foundation Gallery of Ancient Cyprus

A.G. Leventis Foundation Gallery of Ancient Cyprus

The crossroads of the Eastern Mediterranean.   The island of Cyprus is rich in natural resources and lies between the eastern and western worlds.  From the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period trade with, and control of, ancient Cyprus was important to the Greeks and Romans to the west and the

Bishop White Gallery of Chinese Temple Art

Bishop White Gallery of Chinese Temple Art

Religious murals survive the march of time.   The Paradise of Maitreya, the magnificent mural that dominates this gallery, adorned the wall of a Chinese Buddhist monastery that no longer exists. It was created more than seven centuries ago during the Yuan dynasty, when Khubilai Khan ruled and the

Eternal Egypt and Jewels of Jordan

Eternal Egypt and Jewels of Jordan

The pyramids at Giza, Egypt. © Ricardo Liberato, Wikimedia Commons, 2006. SOLD OUT – Waiting list Available Explore the ancient cities of Amman, Jerash, Petra, Luxor, Aswan and Cairo as we journey through eternal Egypt and Jordan. Witness the dramatic scenery of Wadi Rum and Petra. Behold

Profile of a ROM Conservator

Working tirelessly behind the scenes, ROM Conservators help protect our collections from damage and restore objects to their previous splendor. Ok. Maybe we’re generalizing a bit, so we went right to the source and asked Cathy Stewart, Manager of Conservation, a few questions to help uncover what

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 3 rd  marks the United Nation’s annual International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Promoting an understanding of disability issues and mobilizing support for the rights, dignity, and well-being of persons with disabilities of all ages, this day also emphasizes the benefits for all

Appreciation of Indigenous Storytelling with Sister Spider

Written by Carly Brascoupé, Kiowa Wind Memorial Indigenous Youth Intern These infamous animals were around long before the time of dinosaurs. They can dance, weave, burrow, hunt, parachute across hundreds of kilometres, and even lose a limb and grow it back. They make a significant contribution to

Of India and Modernism: Youngo Verma

Youngo Verma (1938-2014), Tantra 21, New Dehi, India, Graphite on Paper, 1981, 36 x 48 inches. ROM 2014.14.1 Recently, the ROM acquired a work by Canadian-Indian artist Youngo Verma (1938-2014) that exemplifies his work with organic abstract forms. Pulling from an Indian “neo-tantric” visuality

Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity

Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity

Life is Diverse. Life is Interconnected. Life is at Risk.  The Schad Gallery is our space to explore and display life on planet earth: life in the recent past, now and in the future.  Our extensive natural history collections – from “Bull” the Southern White Rhino to our live coral reef –