
Viewing 31 - 40 of 181 results

Visiting Zuul

Visiting Zuul

f the rock matrix remains in some places that we can safely perch in certain places up above the block. Here our curator of vertebrate palaeontology, David Evans, carefully surveys the exposed fossils. To the left of David, and in front of Victoria, you can see a string of vertebrae (the backbone)

Summerasaurus Part I: Digging for Dinos

Mark Farmer recently returned from an expedition to the far end of southern Alberta with Dr. David Evans, Associate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the ROM, in search of dinosaurs! Join us over the course of the next month as Mark and Dr. Evans put up their notes from the field, detailing dis

Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project

Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project

The Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project (SADP), designed to fill in gaps in our knowledge of Late Cretaceous dinosaurs and study their evolution, is lead by palaeontologists David C. Evans (Royal Ontario Muserum) and Michael J. Ryan (Cleveland Museum of Natural History).  This project focuses on

Raymond James- Leaving a Dinosaur-sized Footprint on the ROM

Raymond James- Leaving a Dinosaur-sized Footprint on the ROM

ts from Gondwana is a superb reflection of the combined strengths of the Museum’s in-house research and curatorial teams, led by paleontologist Dr. David Evans. “We congratulate all of the tremendously talented employees and volunteers at the ROM for creating this important exhibition,” says

Museum Monday with Melissa- March 30, 2015

Museum Monday with Melissa- March 30, 2015

me Museum Makeover on Tuesday March 31st. It is sure to be an inspired evening on creating the dream museum of the future. Panel contributors include David Evans, the ROM’s Ultimate Dino Expert, and Peter J. Kim, the Executive Director of the Museum of Food and Drink. For seniors, something

New dinosaur species named after ROM donors

New dinosaur species named after ROM donors

It’s not everyday a new dinosaur species is discovered, and it’s even more exciting when it is named in honour of long-time ROM supporters. Dr. David Evans and a team of scientists have named a small, meat-eating dinosaur (‘raptor’) based on newly unearthed fossils from Montana, USA. Achero

Une nouvelle espèce de dinosaure est nommée en l’honneur de mécènes du ROM

Une nouvelle espèce de dinosaure est nommée en l’honneur de mécènes du ROM

s jours qu’on découvre une espèce de dinosaure et qu’on le nomme en plus en l’honneur de mécènes qui soutiennent le ROM depuis longtemps.  David Evans  et une équipe de scientifiques ont identifié un petit dinosaure carnivore (« raptor ») peu après l’exhumation de fossiles au

Raymond James, une contribution dinosaurienne au ROM

Raymond James, une contribution dinosaurienne au ROM

saures: Les colosses du Gondwana est le fruit de l’expertise des chercheurs internes et des conservateurs du Musée, dirigés par le paléontologue David Evans. « Nous tenons à féliciter tous les employés et bénévoles du ROM qui ont créé cette importante exposition et à souligner leur

Ultimate Dinos Sneak Peek: El Chocon

play, with a walkway surrounding it so visitors can get take in its massive size. Thanks to our hosts, we were allowed to film the skeleton up close. David Evans with the fossil skeleton of Giganotosaurus at the Museo Ernest Bachmann. The village overlooks a man-made lake, which is surrounded by

Museum Monday with Melissa- July 20, 2015

Museum Monday with Melissa- July 20, 2015

hornensis. It was discovered by renowned fossil finder Wendy Sloboda in 2010, and excavated over the following three field seasons by the ROM’s Dr. David Evans and Dr. Michael Ryan of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History as part of their Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project. Pretty funny how I