
Viewing 51 - 60 of 1719 results

ROM Ideas: Ancient Cultures

ROM Ideas: Ancient Cultures

To let you in on the latest insights and discoveries from behind the scenes,  ROM Ideas, formerly the ROM Colloquium invites its patrons to step into the realm of ROM researchers, technicians, and other experts who perform ground-breaking work in our labs, collections areas, and at field sites all

Presenting our Winners of the 2017 ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest

Presenting our Winners of the 2017 ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest

Inspired by the stunning Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, the Ontario-wide ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest returned for its 3rd year –with incredible prizes for both adult and youth categories! From December 15, 2017 to February 3, 2018, the ROM invited amateur and

Presenting our Winners of the 2018 ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest

Presenting our Winners of the 2018 ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest

Inspired by the prestigious  Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, the Ontario-wide ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest returned for a 4th year –with incredible prizes for both adult and youth categories! From November 15, 2018 to February 15, 2019, the ROM invited amateur

ROM Game Jam: FAQs

JUMP TO:  Basics | ROM Venue | Team Info | Games | Post Game Jam BASICS + What is a Game Jam? From Wikipedia: “A game jam is a gathering of game developers for the purpose of planning, designing, and creating games within a short span of time. Game developers are generally made up of

Offrez une adhésion comme Membre du ROM en cadeau!

Une adhésion au ROM: le cadeau par excellence tout au long de l’année Offrez à vos amis et à vos proches une adhésion comme Membre du ROM en cadeau — Être Membre du ROM, c'est avoir toute l'année accès à quatre milliards d'années de beauté et d'émerveillement.

Plan d’activités du ROM

As an agency of the Government of Ontario, the Royal Ontario Museum is required to follow the policies and procedures set out in the Agencies and Accountability Directive. To meet this directive an annual business plan, approved by a Minister, is made publicly available on our website.-->

An Unwavering Commitment to the ROM

An Unwavering Commitment to the ROM

Frank Potter, left, and Jack Cockwell The Distinguished Service Award is the highest honour the Museum can bestow on a volunteer and is reserved for those who have generously provided extraordinary and meritorious service to the ROM. The ROM recognized Jack Cockwell and Frank Potter with this

Faites du bénévolat au ROM !

Faites du bénévolat au ROM !

Faites du bénévolat au ROM! Vous avez une passion pour l’art, la culture et la nature ? Rejoignez les rangs du Service des bénévoles du Musée (SBM) qui rassemble une équipe de bénévoles dévoués au ROM. En devenant bénévole, vous mettrez vos talents au service du ROM et vous

ROM Classic Golf Tournament

Thank you for golfing with heart and joining us for the third annual ROM Classic on September 13, 2018! Together with our tournament sponsors, you raised more than $120,000 net to enable diverse communities to discover and delight in art, culture and nature at their ROM. Over 95 “ROM

Voici les gagnants du concours du Photographe naturaliste de l’année du ROM pour 2018

Voici les gagnants du concours du Photographe naturaliste de l’année du ROM pour 2018

Le concours ontarien de photographie naturaliste du ROM, qui s’inspire de la prestigieuse exposition Le Photographe naturaliste de l’année, était de retour au Musée pour la 4 e année. Des prix fabuleux ont été remis dans les catégories Adultes et Jeunes! Du 15 novembre 2018 au 15