
Viewing 591 - 600 of 1652 results

National Volunteer Week 2017 | Volunteer Spotlight: Elizabeth Novak

Elizabeth Novak served as the Community Co-Chair of the ROM Diversity and Inclusion Committee from January 2011 to January 2017.  What inspired you to volunteer at the ROM? I was inspired to do volunteer work at the ROM because of my love of museums, and in particular the Royal Ontario Museum.

Investing in Education and the Geosciences

Investing in Education and the Geosciences

As a lead donor to the Museum’s Love the ROM Centennial Campaign, Hatch—a global engineering, technology, and professional services firm—has demonstrated a deep commitment to supporting communities by investing in dynamic educational initiatives and advancing higher education in science,

Curatorship of Canadian Art & Culture

Curatorship of Canadian Art & Culture

Philanthropist Red Wilson establishes the permanently endowed ROM Curatorship of Canadian Art and Culture   Objects are the ultimate storytellers of ROM – giving us glimpses into endless worlds and helping us understand our own. But they wouldn’t be as meaningful to us without the expert

Currelly Legacy Society

In recognition of those who have made a future gift commitment to benefit the Museum, ROM invites legacy donors to become members of the Charles Trick & Ada Mary Currelly Legacy Society. Named after the first director of the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology and his wife, the Currelly Legacy

Giving the Gift of Life Insurance

A gift of life insurance is a simple and affordable way to make a future major gift to ROM without reducing the assets in your estate. Donate an existing policy making ROM owner/beneficiary. Receive a charitable tax receipt for the cash surrender value and for all future premiums you pay. Save

Friends of South Asia

--> The Friends of South Asia supports the appreciation for and cultivates awareness of ROM’s Global South Asian gallery and collection. We strive to forge and maintain links with all those who are curious about and interested in Global South Asian art, culture and history. Global South Asia

À propos du Musée

L’Orientation stratégique du ROM La nouvelle Orientation stratégique du ROM préparera le Musée à devenir l’une des grandes institutions culturelles du monde au 21 e siècle. EN SAVOIR PLUS   Direction À propos du Musée Salle de presse Vers une plus grande inclusion et plus d’équité

Weapon Wednesday

Weapon Wednesday

Weapons are one of the most politically-incorrect subjects there are, associated with brutality and violence. But they are also important, and have often defined the cultures that made them (perhaps because warriors dominated most past societies). When we talk about the Bronze Age or the Iron Age

Museum Monday with Melissa

Museum Monday with Melissa

This is the first in a series of Monday blog posts by Guest Blogger, Melissa Doyle!   If you've ever been to March Break at the ROM you'll know it's a magical time to visit. With so much to see and do it makes for an exciting week. This year's theme is Futurology: Adventures in

Volunteer Week 2013

This week across the country, 13.3 million volunteers are being honoured through National Volunteer Week- and for us the ROM's many dedicated volunteers have pride of place! The contribution of the ROM's Volunteers is immeasurable.  It’s woven into the rich history of the museum and is