
Viewing 601 - 610 of 1360 results

Totally Buggin’: Spiders and Insects in Pop Culture

Totally Buggin’: Spiders and Insects in Pop Culture

Guest blog written by 2018  Environmental Visual Communication  student  Michael Berger. Dr. Susan Tyler paces the empty subway platform, lit by flickering fluorescents, anxiously waiting for her husband’s return from the perilous depths of the underground. Out of the corner of her eye she

March Break 2024

Over 13 million things to see in one Museum.    Saturday, March 9- Sunday, March 17, 2024 10 am- 4 pm, daily. Included with General Admission. This March Break, find something for everyone and spark your curiousity as you dive into exciting adventures. Experience engaging, hands-on activities

Let there be Light

Let there be Light

Textiles from the collection are frequent visitors to the photo studio. They come in all forms: big or small, mounted or flat, modern or ancient, fragrements or complete costumes- you get the picture. Anything from our vast textile collection could be brought to the studio for photography. The

Are you Afraid FOR Bats This Halloween?

Are you Afraid FOR Bats This Halloween?

I love bats. There’s just something about them that gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside everytime I see one. Now I know what you (and to be honest, a lot of people I know) are thinking- how can she like such a creepy little mammal like a bat? Don’t they suck your blood/get caught in your

Weapon Wednesday: a Romano-Egyptian sword hilt

Weapon Wednesday: a Romano-Egyptian sword hilt

This object (910.175.328) is actually a part of a weapon, but a very important one, acquired before 1910 in Cairo by Charles Currelly and presently in the Eaton Gallery of Rome. It is the cast bronze hilt of a sword. It depicts a bird's head, which is actually the Horus falcon, as it has the

Not just for show: how and why museum specimens are collected

Not just for show: how and why museum specimens are collected

Guest blog by Environmental Visual Communication student Samantha Stephens I don’t know which is more overpowering- the dense 35 o C air, or the peculiar rotting scent- but when I opened the first bolted door, both hit me like a powerful wave. The sign on the second door seemed quite appropriate.

Le projet Photos de famille

Le projet Photos de famille

La photo de famille, c’est quoi, au juste? Comment influence-t-elle nos souvenirs? Que nous révèle-t-elle sur les expériences migratoires? Que nous raconte-t-elle sur nos histoires nationales? Le réseau FAMILY CAMERA NETWORK, dans lequel s'inscrit le projet appelé Photos de famille, est

ROM Ideas: Biodiversity

ROM Ideas: Biodiversity

To let you in on the latest insights and discoveries from behind the scenes, ROM Ideas, formerly the ROM Colloquium, invites its patrons to step into the realm of ROM researchers, technicians, and other experts who perform ground-breaking work in our labs, collections areas, and at field sites all