
Viewing 651 - 660 of 1653 results

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

In honour of International Women's Day, the ROM Library and Archives highlights a number of the many women whose work at the ROM made advances in science, art, and museology.  Ella Martin (pictured above) Ella Martin devoted her life to improving museum education through object based learning

Conserving a Family Legacy

Conserving a Family Legacy

As native Torontonians, brothers John and Paul Johnston have been visiting ROM for as long as they can remember. “ROM became part of our lives at a very young age,” recalls John, “and it was always a family experience. Exploring ages long past – it was magic to us.”  Now, years later and


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A Legacy in the Making

A Legacy in the Making

Balancing family, career and finances can be a rewarding juggling act. As a mother of two young children, June Perry is used to having her hands full. Like many parents, her daily life is full of joy as she watches her kids grow and learn, while balancing the financial responsibilities and

L’amour de la musique et des arts à l’origine d’un don de 3 millions de dollars

L’amour de la musique et des arts à l’origine d’un don de 3 millions de dollars

Passionnée par l’opérette et les arts de la scène, Helga Schmidt donne généreusement à plusieurs organisations culturelles européennes. M me  Schmidt et son défunt mari Mike comptent parmi nos donateurs les plus généreux. C’est en grande partie grâce à eux que notre campagne du

A Passion for Music and the Arts Inspires a $3M Leadership Gift

A Passion for Music and the Arts Inspires a $3M Leadership Gift

Helga Schmidt is a lover of operetta and live performance, and a benefactor of many cultural organizations in Europe. As lead donors, she and her late husband Mike Schmidt have made a transformational gift to the Love the ROM Centennial Campaign.   Arriving in Canada from Germany in 1956 with

Rock, Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Identification Clinic

Rock, Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Identification Clinic

Rock, Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Identification Clinic  In-Person Program Please register for your preferred date. See below for link(s). President’s Choice School Entrance. Doors open at 4:30 PM. ROM’s popular ID Clinics are a great way to identify your mysterious found treasures, all while

Theodora Ferrant

Theodora Ferrant

Meet YPC Member Theodora Ferrant What is your occupation? Just started working as Awards Writer at Klick, Inc. at the beginning of September, but my occupation is passing judgment on things I cannot create and writing without desire for publication. What was the last book you read? The Art of the

Occasions de faire du bénévolat avec le SBM

Le Service des bénévoles du Musée (SBM ou DMV en anglais) propose plusieurs façons de faire du bénévolat, que ce soit sur le terrain ou dans les coulisses, ainsi que par l’intermédiaire de ses comités des voyages. Pour en savoir plus sur chacun de ces comités, veuillez lire ce qui suit.

W. Galen Weston: 1940-2021

W. Galen Weston 1940-2021 The Royal Ontario Museum is deeply saddened by the death of Galen Weston, our dear friend, a visionary leader renowned for his professional acumen and his expansive philanthropy, and a treasured Canadian. For more than five decades, the venerable Weston family forged a