
Viewing 751 - 760 of 1653 results

Getting Our Game On

Getting Our Game On

From August 9 to 11, the ROM will be hosting a horde of keen electronic game programmers, designers, artists, coders and other wizards for our first-ever “ game jam.” Inspired by the age-old concept of the musical “jam session” in which a bunch of musicians gather together to create

#ThrowbackThursday: Working Like Mad

#ThrowbackThursday: Working Like Mad

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition  Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka

Celebrating Ada Slaight's Enduring Impact

Celebrating Ada Slaight's Enduring Impact

For over 40 years, Ada Slaight (1931–2020) was a dedicated supporter of the ROM. Her lifelong passion for art and culture, her commitment to children and learning, and her generous philanthropy led to the creation of the Ada Slaight School Visits Bursary Fund in 2009, which has enabled tens of

W. Galen Weston: 1940-2021

W. Galen Weston 1940-2021 Le Musée royal de l’Ontario a été profondément attristé d’apprendre le décès de Galen Weston, un ami cher, un chef de file visionnaire connu pour son sens aigu des affaires et son grand mécénat, ainsi qu’un Canadien bien-aimé. Au cours d’une cinquantaine

Réservez pour un événement

Dans le cadre de la 3 e étape du Plan d’action pour le déconfinement de l’Ontario, il est de nouveau possible de réserver le ROM pour un événement. Notre équipe est là pour discuter de vos projets et vous renseigner sur les espaces et services uniques en leur genre qu’offre le Musée.

Wildlife Photography: When Science Meets Art

Wildlife Photography: When Science Meets Art

By Guest Blogger Pedro Bernardo, PhD Candidate and ROM Biodiversity researcher. The huge number of colors, shapes, and sizes of living things always amazed me. So I decided to dedicate my life to study this amazing mega diverse world of life. After graduating in Biology I have worked at the Museum

Faites un investissement

Les gouverneurs réunissent les fonds dont ont tant besoin certains secteurs du ROM. Grâce au soutien indéfectible de ses bienfaiteurs, le ROM favorise la découverte et suscite l’émerveillement depuis plus d’un siècle. En soutenant le Musée, vous investissez dans un établissement

Mobile Interpretation in Museums

Learn about the latest research and discoveries happening at the ROM and mark your calendars for the 33rd annual ROM Research Colloquium coming up on February 3, 2012. Ryan Dodge is the Acquisitions Technician in the Library as well an active member of the ROM’s Social Media team. Here, he tells

Ways to Give

ROM Governors creates meaningful philanthropic opportunities that further the Museum’s mission while meeting the personal interests of donors or business objectives of sponsors. Generous support from individuals, corporations and various levels of government plays a major role in ensuring ROM’s

Young Patrons’ Circle

PROM: Circus 2012. The Young Patrons’ Circle (YPC) is a unique and intimate way for museum-enthusiasts to experience the ROM. By making a philanthropic gift, young professionals (ages 19-45) enjoy an all-access pass to exclusive events and networking opportunities at the Museum. YPC members gain