
Viewing 821 - 830 of 1652 results

Two thumbs up to outstanding documentaries!

Can’t make it to the ROM? Make some popcorn, pick up one of these award-winning documentaries related to our current exhibitions and upcoming programs, and have a movie date with the ROM in your own livingroom! Touched by Water, a documentary by Tamás Wormser, examines bathing rituals and our

Annual Reports & Financial Statements

The Annual Report describes Museum activities in the past fiscal year and accounts for all monies spent. As required, the accounts and financial transactions are audited by an independent auditor appointed by the Board and the Annual Report is presented to the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Exclusive Interview with World Renowned Palaeontologist Paul Sereno

ROM: Hi Paul, we are thrilled that you are coming to speak at the ROM this Sunday and we would love it if you could answer a couple of questions in advance as we prepare for your arrival. I understand you studied art and biology at Northern Illinois University. How did you go from that to becoming

Weapon Wednesday: Two daggers from Luristan, Iran

Weapon Wednesday: Two daggers from Luristan, Iran

In museum circles the region of Luristan in the Zagros Mountains has a long association with the antiquities looted from tombs there in the 1920's and 30's. These objects seem to be primarily from the Early Iron Age (circa 1000 BC- 750 BC), and comprise an array of distinctive objects

Remembering Allan Baker

Remembering Allan Baker

Allan John Baker (1943- 2014) was hired by the ROM as Assistant Curator of Ornithology in 1972. He became Associate Curator and Head of the Ornithology Department in 1976, and was promoted to full Curator in 1981. In 1995, he became head of the ROM’s newly established Centre for Biodiversity and

Making a Bequest

During these unprecedented times the Ontario government has authorized the remote witnessing of wills. The key limitation is that one of your witnesses has to be either a lawyer or paralegal licensed by the Law Society of Ontario. Learn More A bequest is a future commitment that does not restrict

Le Musée évalue-t-il des objets ou en vérifie-t-il l’authenticité?

Conformément aux pratiques en cours dans les musées nationaux et internationaux, le ROM n’estime pas la valeur d’objets présentés par les membres du public et n’en vérifie pas l’authenticité. Il n’aide pas non plus ces personnes à se départir de leurs possessions et ne donne aucun

Système de gestion de la base de données des collections Louise Hawley Stone

Le projet de mise en œuvre du Système de gestion des collections Louise Hawley Stone (Louise Hawley Stone Collections Management System) a été lancé en 2015. Il avait pour objectif d’intégrer 44 bases de données des diverses collections sur une plateforme DBMS unique, robuste et flexible

An Artful Legacy

An Artful Legacy

Strong, passionate, and principled. These are some of the words Jessica Peatling uses to describe her late grandmother, Vera Kircheis.   More than a beloved matriarch, Vera was a dispenser of wisdom who shared many practical life lessons with her children, grandchildren, and even

La Galerie Willner Madge de l’aube de la vie

La Galerie Willner Madge de l’aube de la vie

Le 14 novembre 2018, le ROM a fièrement annoncé que les philanthropes torontois Jeff Willner et Stacey Madge ont généreusement engagé 5 millions de dollars pour la future Galerie Willner Madge de l’aube de la vie. Cet investissement a permis d’établir une nouvelle galerie permanente de 10