
Viewing 81 - 90 of 1719 results

Toward Greater Inclusion and Equity at ROM

ROM Indigenous Outreach and Learning Coordinator J’net Ayayqwayaksheelth explores the worldviews of living Indigenous cultures with a group of high school students. Read the ROM’s statement following the discovery of remains at former Kamloops Indian Residential School. Committing to the work.

Forfait kilométrique du ROM

Forfait kilométrique du ROM

  Je n’ai jamais traversé 4 milliards d’années sans avoir à faire le plein d’essence.  Visitez le ROM cet été!  Plus la distance que vous parcourez est grande, plus vous économisez.   Vivez une expérience inoubliable dans le plus grand musée d’art, de culture et de nature au

Devenez un mécène du ROM

Galerie Reed de l’âge des mammifères Les mécènes du ROM se dépensent sans compter et soutiennent financièrement le Musée pour en faire une institution culturelle de renommée mondiale. En retour, ils et elles ont accès à nos expositions, aux conservateurs des collections, aux galeries,

Fashioning a Legacy at the ROM

Fashioning a Legacy at the ROM

Dr. Marian Fowler is a celebrated biographer renowned for her intimate portraits of individualistic women of style and substance. She herself collects vintage costume jewellery and has written about such fashion icons as Marlene Dietrich, Wallis Simpson, and Jackie Kennedy. Although she has many

A thank you to all the volunteers at the ROM

  This week marks National Volunteer Week, a special week that recognizes and pays tribute to the many contributions that volunteers make each day in Canada and around the globe. Now in its 72 nd year, National Volunteer Week celebrates the efforts and time of volunteers and the incredible impact

eTalk visits the ROM!

Posting by Danielle Megaffin, Intern with the ROM's communications department The stars of the Canadian entertainment news show eTalk recently shot a promo segment onsite at the ROM. Ben Mulroney, Tanya Kim, Traci Melchor, Danielle McGimsie, Lainey Lui, and Jessi Cruickshank spent a day in

34th Annual ROM Colloquium: World Discoveries- on Feb 8, 2013

On Friday, February 8, 2013, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) presents the 34th annual ROM Colloquium, a stimulating one-day event with curators and researchers highlighting their latest global discoveries and ongoing research. The ROM 2013 Colloquium: World Discoveries gives everyone the chance to

Bishop White Committee Establishes ROM Curatorship

Bishop White Committee Establishes ROM Curatorship

For close to 60 years, the Bishop White Committee has enabled the ROM to steward and display the greatest collection of Japanese art in Canada. Together with the ROM, this passionate group of volunteers has established the Bishop White Committee Curator of Japanese Art & Culture—an endowed

Gamers Unite for ROM Game Jam 2014

Gamers Unite for ROM Game Jam 2014

  Guest blog written by Environmental Visual Communication Student Justine DiCesare   25 Teams. 62 People. 3 Days. 30+ galleries. Millions of specimens and artifacts.   From August 8th to 10th, gamers and game developers from all over the GTA will be converging on the ROM to develop video games

Les réseaux sociaux du ROM

Le Musée royal de l’Ontario s’engage à être un forum de discussion sur des sujets divers, liés à l’histoire naturelle et aux cultures du monde. Envoyez-nous vos commentaires sur notre site Web. Nous vous invitons à échanger avec nous sur nos réseaux sociaux (voir la liste plus bas).