
Viewing 961 - 970 of 1653 results

Martians among us

Martians among us

With the announcement of three new Martian Meteorites in the ROM’s planetary science collection, recent evidence of flowing water on Mars, and of course, the success of the Hollywood movie “The Martian”, it seems fitting to sit down and take a closer look at the Red Planet. And we can do that

Galleries of Africa: Egypt

Galleries of Africa: Egypt

An epic civilization with timeless appeal.  The legacy of the Ancient Egyptian culture has left its mark through the centuries. From religion to architecture to fashion, its influence is epic and our fascination with this ancient civilization, so exotic and mysterious, remains strong even today. 

Manulife Helps Canadians Step Into the World of China's Emperors

Manulife Helps Canadians Step Into the World of China's Emperors

Stories of the imperial palace, home to China’s last emperors, have captivated people for generations. The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors ushers visitors into the emperor’s most private quarters and offers a tantalizing glimpse into the lives of the rulers, subjects, and

Call To Toronto Artists!

Are you a professional artist who is passionate about Toronto heritage and museums? Would you welcome the opportunity to showcase your art at the ROM? Well look no further! The ROM is excited to announce a recent partnership with the Toronto Arts Council! Together with select historic sites, the

Our next Google+ Hangout on Air: De-Extinction

Our next Google+ Hangout on Air: De-Extinction

Join us for our next Google+ Hangout on Air on September 24th at NOON. Topic: De-Extinction De-Extinction is a word that you don't hear very often but one that is circling within scientific communities, particularly those scientists interested in biodiversity conservation and genetics.  What

Une rente de bienfaisance

Les rentes viagères de bienfaisance rapportent! Nos donateurs plus âgés reçoivent ainsi régulièrement une somme à taux fixe, toute leur vie, après avoir fait au ROM un don en capital. La rente payée et le pourcentage non imposable de ce revenu dépendent de l’âge du donateur. Il est

La Journée de la Terre 2022

Profitez d’une journée d’activités en famille le samedi 23 avril. Gratuit avec un billet d’entrée au ROM. Programme des activités de la Journée de la Terre Samedi 23 avril, à moins d’indications contraires Défi nature urbaine : Découvrez la faune de Toronto et participez au

Exhibit A: Dior Dress

Exhibit A: Dior Dress

“In a machine age, dressmaking is one of the last refuges of the human, the personal, the inimitable.” — Christian Dior  Commissioned by the ROM,  Passage #5 was designed by John Galliano for Christian Dior Haute Couture. This dramatic coat-dress was inspired by fashion illustrator René

Voix autochtones

Voix autochtones

Suivez la populaire programmation de Voix autochtones (Indigenous Voices) du ROM proposant (en anglais) deux fois par mois des webinaires en direct. Conçus pour les élèves et les enseignants de la maternelle à la fin du secondaire, chaque épisode met en scène des éducateurs et éducatrices

History of Giving

Sir William Meredith, Chancellor, U of T; Sir Robert Falconer, President, U of T; Dr. James Brebner, Registrar, U of T.; Sir Edmund Walker, Chairman, Board of Governors (1912). (From left to right) Philanthropy has been at the heart of the ROM since its inception more than 100 years ago. Financial