Inspiring Stories

ROM Friends
With the help of volunteers and curators, ROM Friends raise awareness and understanding of the incredible stories behind the Museum’s collections. 
Ford and Peroni activations at the ROM.

The ROM is proud to partner with Ford of Canada and Peroni Nastro Azzurro to create original activations that speak to this key audience.

Aquamarine and Muscovite in Quartz

The ROM is grateful to BMO Financial Group for an extraordinary $1M gift in support of the Kirwin Collection initiative.

The ROM proudly welcomed 200 guests for an unforgettable evening of Pompeian flair and style in celebration of the Canadian premiere of Pompeii: In the Shadow of the Volcano

A YPC member since 2011, Claude Tambu grew up in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We sat down with Claude to learn more about his philanthropy and love for the ROM.

Hosted by technology expert and journalist Kris Abel, YPC Speaks celebrated 10 extraordinary years of the Young Patrons Circle (YPC) by exploring how we interact with our world through technology.

More than 350 ROM Patrons and guests were among the first to see Douglas Coupland: everywhere is anywhere is anything is everything at an exclusive preview. 

Michael Lee-Chin’s extraordinary gift of $30 million in support of the ROM in 2003 was one of the largest philanthropic gifts to a cultural institution in Canadian history. 

Jean’s first involvement with the Royal Ontario Museum began around 1994. We sat down with Jean to learn more about her increbible support of Canada's world museum.