Inspiring Stories

A one-of-a-kind ore and mineral collection is making its way to the ROM, thanks to the amazing generosity of our donors and corporate sponsors. 

Currelly Society members gathered for a traditional afternoon tea in celebration of the ROM’s Centennial on April 3, 2014. More than 100 guests enjoyed fine teas, gourmet sweets and savoury bites.

As a lead donor to the Museum’s Love the ROM Centennial Campaign, Hatch has demonstrated a deep commitment to supporting communities by investing in dynamic educational initiatives and advancing higher education in science, technology and math.

The ROM experienced an incredible wave of affection felt in Toronto and beyond as we celebrated the Museum’s 100th anniversary and launched our $15M Love the ROM Centennial Campaign

Patricia Harris presented with the Manulife Volunteer Award

Long-standing ROM volunteer, Patricia Harris, was recently recognized with the Manulife Volunteer Award for her extraordinary contributions to advancing the Museum as a community builder. 

Building on the legacy of Sir Edmund Walker, CIBC is honoured to be the ROM’s Centennial Partner, helping to bring the ROM experience to life for Toronto’s diverse community and ensure a continued legacy for many years to come.

“My extensive collection of international ores and  minerals represents my life’s work and passion. I’ve chosen to leave my legacy at the ROM  where it will be cared for and shared with future generations,” says Douglas Kirwin. 

Helga Schmidt is a lover of operetta and live performance, and a benefactor of many cultural organizations in Europe. As lead donors, she and her late husband Mike Schmidt have been vital in galvanizing support for the Love the ROM Campaign. 

The ROM School Visits Bursary Program enables at-risk youth to visit the Museum free of charge. The ROM is grateful to our generous partners for helping us teach and inspire thousands of kids each year.

As Lead Sponsor of The Forbidden CityManulife is helping to bring the epic drama and intrigue of the 600-year-old imperial residence to life for Canadians.