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Résultats 171 à 174 sur 174

ROM Celebration 2024

Celebrating Volunteerism and Philanthropy On June 5, 2024, ROM warmly welcomed almost 400 guests for its annual ROM Celebration event. Now in its 27th year, this beloved tradition celebrates the many dedicated supporters and volunteers whose generosity enables extraordinary exhibitions, curatorial

Célébration au ROM – 2024

Célébrer le bénévolat et la philanthropie Le 5 juin 2024, le ROM a chaleureusement accueilli près de 400 invités pour son événement annuel de célébration au ROM. Aujourd’hui dans sa 27e année, cette tradition très appréciée célèbre les nombreux sympathisants et bénévoles

A Lifelong Passion for ROM

A Lifelong Passion for ROM

Doug Gibson has loved the ROM since childhood. Some of his earliest memories are of going to the Museum with his mother in the early 1950s, which sparked a lifelong fascination with natural history. “Back then, they had a crystal cave in the geology gallery,” he recalls. “When you looked into

YPC Member Spotlight: Jeffrey Sax

YPC Member Spotlight: Jeffrey Sax

I’m just starting my 10th year as a member of ROM YPC and what keeps me renewing are the other members. Toronto is often (in my experience) referred to as a cold city where it's difficult to make new friends, and while it might have taken the better part of my first year to get past my