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Hennick Family donates $50 million to advance ROM’s strategic vision

Hennick Family donates $50 million to advance ROM’s strategic vision

ROM proudly announced today a $50-million donation from the Hennick Family Foundation – the single largest cash donation in its history. The Hennicks’ contribution will support a multi-year revitalization plan to advance a vision to an even more welcoming and inspirational focal point of art,

A lifelong love becomes a lasting legacy

A lifelong love becomes a lasting legacy

At a young age, Marnie Hunt’s father introduced her to books, the theatre, film and classical music. The result was a lifelong love for all the arts – including ROM. A graduate of the University of Toronto’s Department of Psychology, Marnie spent her career as a social worker with the

Keeping Discovery and Wonder Alive

Keeping Discovery and Wonder Alive

Danuta Buczynski (second from right) with fellow CLS members Joan Neilson, Jasmine Lin and Marguerite Low The late Danuta Buczynski was a passionate and long-time supporter of arts and culture – including the Royal Ontario Museum. A meaningful bequest in her estate ensures that her passion will

A Tailor-Made Approach to Philanthropy

A Tailor-Made Approach to Philanthropy

Joseph Wong’s penchant for fashion started at an early age. As a teenager, he was roused by the vibrancy and variety of the Japanese and Italian designs that ruled Toronto in the 1970s and 1980s, a stark contrast to the strict world of school uniforms he had left behind in his native Hong Kong.

Weaving Her Magic

Weaving Her Magic

A self-proclaimed “museum person,” Flavia Redelmeier has been a steadfast supporter of the Royal Ontario Museum for most of the Museum’s history.  As a young girl in the 1930s and 1940s, an interest in bird watching and the natural world led Flavia and her brother to join the Junior Field

A Gift to Future Generations

A Gift to Future Generations

During his decades as an elementary school teacher, Thomas Charles Messecar Logan was devoted to inspiring brighter futures for young people. And though he passed away in March 2022, his impact will continue thanks to his generous estate gift to ROM. “Thomas believed in the power of the arts to

Quarterback of Culture

Quarterback of Culture

Wander ROM’s galleries and you will find countless examples of legendary champions – statues of Rama, amphoras depicting Athena, colourful prints of Gandhi, a towering T. rex. But ROM has another kind of champion too – tireless supporters like Rob Pierce. An advocate of cultural philanthropy,

The Art of Creating a Legacy

The Art of Creating a Legacy

As a DMV member for over 35 years, Josephine Breyfogle was always willing to take on new challenges—challenges to help advance the Museum’s mission and impact in the community. Thanks to a thoughtful gift in her estate, she will continue to do that for many years to come. Before she passed away

Win-Win Estate Planning

Win-Win Estate Planning

Every now and then, a decision comes along that just makes perfect sense. For Claude Tambu, supporting the ROM was one of those rare occasions. He joined ROM’s Young Patrons Circle (YPC) upon learning it would cost less monthly than a single visit with his nephew, was largely tax-deductible, and

La famille Hennick fait don de 50 millions de dollars afin de faire avancer la vision stratégique du ROM

La famille Hennick fait don de 50 millions de dollars afin de faire avancer la vision stratégique du ROM

Le Musée royal de l’Ontario (ROM) est fier d’annoncer qu’il a reçu un don de 50 millions de dollars de la part de la Fondation de la famille Hennick — le don en argent le plus important de son histoire. La contribution des Hennick soutiendra un programme de revitalisation sur plusieurs