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Résultats 151 à 160 sur 174

Collector’s Items

Collector’s Items

When Ali Adil Khan and his wife Shehla emigrated from Pakistan over 30 years ago, Canadian art provided a way to connect to their new home. Ali Adil began collecting artworks depicting the Canadian wilderness – slowly at first and on a shoestring budget, eventually progressing to larger

Curatorship of Canadian Art & Culture

Curatorship of Canadian Art & Culture

Philanthropist Red Wilson establishes the permanently endowed ROM Curatorship of Canadian Art and Culture   Objects are the ultimate storytellers of ROM – giving us glimpses into endless worlds and helping us understand our own. But they wouldn’t be as meaningful to us without the expert

A Man with a (Retirement) Plan

A Man with a (Retirement) Plan

An afternoon exploring a favourite gallery, a long lunch at the café, a stroll through Philosopher’s Walk – these are some of the things Swee Goh and his late wife, Lilian, enjoyed most about ROM. Upon retiring to Toronto, they lived across the street from the Museum and decided to get to know

An Artful Legacy

An Artful Legacy

Strong, passionate, and principled. These are some of the words Jessica Peatling uses to describe her late grandmother, Vera Kircheis.   More than a beloved matriarch, Vera was a dispenser of wisdom who shared many practical life lessons with her children, grandchildren, and even

A Golden Opportunity

A Golden Opportunity

For almost 12,000 years, the world has been a pretty stable place, at least in terms of geology.  But scientists submit that with the intense acceleration of human activity over the last century, we’ve entered a new epoch: the proposed Anthropocene.  Dr. Francine McCarthy is an Earth Sciences

Rehausser l'éducation et l'acquisition de nouvelles connaissances pour notre avenir à tous

Rehausser l'éducation et l'acquisition de nouvelles connaissances pour notre avenir à tous

Nancy Main. Photo gracieuseté du ROM. Nancy Main était une visionnaire et une véritable pionnière dans le domaine des arts et de l'instruction publique au Canada. Elle a été la directrice fondatrice de la Etobicoke School for the Arts et la première femme vice-principale nommée au

More Than Just a Job

More Than Just a Job

Meg Beckel’s relationship with ROM began years before ever working here – or anywhere, for that matter.   Like many other ROM volunteers and employees, Meg’s first introduction to the Museum came as a child, when her mother enrolled her and her brother in ROM’s Saturday Morning Club. The

A Generous Life and an Enduring Legacy

A Generous Life and an Enduring Legacy

Few people can lay claim to building the foundations of a city. Arthur Kennedy is on that short list. As a lifelong civil servant, Arthur played a pivotal role in developing and overseeing the water system for the Region of Peel, an impressive feat of engineering that continues to serve over 1.5

Les objets d’un collectionneur

Les objets d’un collectionneur

Originaires du Pakistan, Ali Adil Khan et son épouse Shehla se sont installés au Canada il y a une trentaine d’années. Grâce à l’art canadien, le couple tisse des liens avec sa patrie d’adoption. M. Khan consacre un modeste budget à l’achat de paysages canadiens. Au fil des ans, ses

Chaire de conservateur des arts et des cultures du Canada

Chaire de conservateur des arts et des cultures du Canada

Le philanthrope Red Wilson établit une chaire permanente des arts et des cultures du Canada.   Les objets sont les conteurs par excellence du ROM – ouvrant des fenêtres sur des mondes illimités et contribuant à la connaissance du monde qui est le nôtre. Mais leurs récits ne seraient pas