The Science of Minecraft
Minecraft is an immersive game in which players can dig deep down into a world made of rocks and minerals. But have you ever wondered how those rocks and minerals compare to their real-world counterparts?
In this video, Dr. Kim Tait, Teck Endowed Chair of Mineralogy, and Sarah Elliott, lead designer of the ROM’s new Minecraft Virtual Visit, dig into Minecraft with a casual, informative, and fun look at some of the science behind the game. They explore real rocks from the ROM’s collections, compare them to their Minecraft counterparts, and even break them down to see what they’re really made of!
Special thanks:
- Alma Amorim, Deaf Interpreter
- Christopher Desloges, ASL Interpreter
This program is generously supported by the Barrick Gold Corporation.
Recorded on May 17, 2021.
Creativity Challenge

Photograph by Phygital Labs.
Once you’ve explored the Science of Minecraft with Sarah and Kim, and seen how rocks and minerals are displayed at the ROM, why not create your own museum to teach visitors what you learned about rocks and minerals?
You could build your own museum from scratch, or use the Create Your Own Museum world from the Minecraft Lesson Library.
Once your museum is built, share your design with the museum @ROMtoronto!