Dead Sea Scrolls: Words that Changed the World

Royal Ontario Museum Michael Lee-Chin Crystal. Bloor Street Entrance.



Press Release

Press Release

The ROM showcases these historical treasures from June 27, 2009 to January 3, 2010 in Canada’s largest Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition

One of the most important exhibitions in the history of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) opens in Toronto on Saturday, June 27, 2009. Until Sunday, January 3, 2010, Dead Sea Scrolls: Words that Changed the World is on display in the Garfield Weston Exhibition Hall, located on Level B2 in the ROM’s Michael Lee-Chin Crystal.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see one of the greatest archaeological finds of the 20th century - the earliest record of biblical patriarchs and prophets known to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In addition to the exhibition, lectures and debates highlight the importance of the Scrolls today, presenting an opportunity for interfaith dialogue among varied traditions with shared roots.

The Dead Sea Scrolls have been the objects of great scholarly and public interest, as well as heated debate and controversy, since their discovery over 60 years ago. The ROM will display 16 authentic Dead Sea Scrolls during its six-month engagement—eight different Scrolls for each three-month period—including fragments from the books of Genesis, Deuteronomy and Psalms. The second set of Scrolls will be displayed from October 2009 to January 2010. Four fragments, never before publicly displayed, are being conserved especially for the exhibition. More than 200 artifacts loaned by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), augmented by objects from the ROM’s own renowned collections, illuminate the environment in which these ancient texts were written.

“The ROM is privileged to present this extraordinary exhibition showcasing these deeply significant writings,” states William Thorsell, ROM Director and CEO. “In doing so, the Museum brings together archaeology and culture, along with a wealth of exceptional programming. The ambitious Anne Tanenbaum Lecture Series, for instance, will explore compelling ideas related to the Dead Sea Scrolls, launch provocative and enlightening inter-faith discussions, and create a deeper understanding of the Scrolls. What a magnificent opportunity for us all to explore the Scrolls’ place in human history as well as their contemporary relevance.”

Dr. Risa Levitt Kohn, an alumna of both York University and University of Toronto and Director of the Jewish Studies program at the San Diego State University, is guest exhibition curator at the ROM. Dr. Levitt Kohn was the curator of the enormously successful Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition at the San Diego Natural History Museum in 2007. She comments, “This is a highly unique opportunity for a Canadian audience to view the Dead Sea Scrolls. Among the Scrolls are some of the oldest discovered texts of the Hebrew Bible—writings that have had lasting influence on western culture as they continue to resonate today. This exhibition tells an important story of discovery as these Scrolls and their words shed light on the life, faith and culture of ancient Judea at the dawn of modern Judaism and Christianity.”


For 2,000 years, desert caves concealed the Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of mainly parchment scrolls containing sacred literature of ancient Israel. There, above the salt-laden waters of the Dead Sea, they remained untouched by light and other elements for centuries until their discovery in 1947.

In partnership with the Israel Antiquities Authority, the ROM will display fragments from 16 authentic Dead Sea Scrolls during the exhibition’s six-month engagement—eight different scrolls for each three-month period. Four Scrolls (two each during the two rotations) are being specially conserved by the IAA’s Dead Sea Scrolls Conservation Lab for this first ever public display.

Scrolls displayed during the first three months (from June 27 to October 2009) include:

· Genesis: approximately 20 manuscripts of the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible, were found in the caves. This scroll contains some of the oldest fragments of Genesis. The displayed fragments contain portions of the story of the death of Jacob’s wife Rachel and of Joseph’s encounter with the wife of Potiphar.

· Psalms: the Book of Psalms, represented by 35 manuscripts from 250 BCE to 68 CE, is the biblical book most frequently found in the caves near Qumran.

· Daniel: the eight copies of the Book of Daniel found in the caves are the closest in date to the actual composition of the book itself. As a result, these copies are our earliest evidence for the original form and content of Daniel (thought to be composed ca. 165 BCE).

· Book of War: a ceremonial blessing to be recited over the surviving community of Israel after the final battle at the end of time. The blessing describes how God will enable the universe to produce fertility and prevent disease and destruction by wild animals and plague

Scrolls displayed during the second three months (October 2009 to January 3, 2010) include:

· Deuteronomy: written as Moses’ farewell speech to the Israelites, this Scroll recounts their history and journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. The text includes a large number of legal precepts and emphasizes God’s covenant with Israel, a theme that is reiterated in non-biblical Dead Sea Scrolls as well.

· Psalms: naming King David as author of the Psalms and demonstrating the ancient tradition of David as the greatest of poets, this particular Scroll is the earliest known copy of the book of Psalms, and the most substantial, with as many as 51 individual psalms on the original Scroll.

· Papyrus Bar Kokhba 46: this lease agreement, in which the lessee consents to pay a certain amount in return for the crops grown within the property, dates to roughly November 134 CE, during the Second Judean Revolt. The opening mentions Simeon Bar Kosiba, principal leader of the Revolt. The text is written in Mishnaic Hebrew, which differs slightly from earlier biblical Hebrew.

· Isaiah: the book of Isaiah is full of prophesies, including predictions of the end of times, a theme prevalent among Judaic groups in the Second Temple period. Many groups during this period and beyond (including the Gospel writers) quoted from the book of Isaiah, interpreting events in their own age as having been originally predicted by the prophets.

All Scrolls are presented with full interpretations, translations, and background information, within the context of the tumultuous period in which they were written and hidden. As well, numerous audio visual elements, including aerial footage of the site of Khirbet Qumran and a soundscape of reading/chanting of specific texts, plus additional graphics, maps, and simulations, including a virtual reconstruction of the Second Temple, effectively enhance the story of the Scrolls. Footage on the discovery and deciphering of the Scrolls as well as a short film on their ongoing preservation and conservation by the IAA likewise add to the visitor’s experience. Immersive and ambient, large-format images depict Israel’s landscape and evoke the hot and dry Judean Desert, further transporting visitors back to the time of the Scrolls’ origins.

The IAA is lending over 200 artifacts, including lamps, ossuaries, amphorae, jugs, stone table ware, and most notably, architectural fragments from the Second Temple. From the ancient upper city of Jerusalem come a number of significant coins from the Jewish Wars with the Romans, as well as Roman roof tiles imprinted with the stamp of the 10th Roman Legion. Objects, including storage jars, cooking pots, oil lamps, ossuaries, jewellery and intriguing incense shovels found nowhere else originate from Sephorris, an important town in lower Galilee. An inspiring assortment of objects discovered in the Scroll caves and at Khirbet Qumran, the site near the cave discoveries, includes jars, sandals, an inkwell, stone water cups, coins, and numerous ceramics such as cooking pots and plates.

Objects from the ROM’s own renowned collection of Hellenistic objects are also displayed, including oil lamps and colourful Roman glass, from Jerusalem and surrounding areas. These will further augment visitors’ understanding of daily life in the ancient land of Israel.

The exhibition’s final section looks at the long tradition of the careful and faithful transmission of sacred texts in the context of the three Abrahamic faiths, of which the Dead Sea Scrolls are an extraordinary example. On display will be a small number of beautiful and historic examples of the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Bible, and the Qur’an, on loan to the exhibition from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto. Complementing these inspiring writings are video interviews with several authorities of different religious and scholarly backgrounds, articulating some of the many interpretations and meanings of the Dead Sea Scrolls in our world today.


Initially discovered by Bedouin goat-herders, the Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient manuscripts uncovered between 1947 and 1956 in 11 caves near Khirbet Qumran, on the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea. Dating from the 3rd century before the common era (BCE) to the 1st century of the common era (CE), approximately 250 BCE – 68 CE, the Scrolls contain some of the oldest-known copies of biblical books, as well as hymns, prayers, and other important writings. From more than 100,000 fragments of text discovered, scholars have painstakingly assembled over 900 separate documents. Written mainly in Hebrew, some texts were also written in Aramaic and Greek and while most were inked onto leather, papyrus (reed paper) was also used. One scroll, known simply as the Copper Scroll, was inscribed onto copper.

The manuscripts fall into three main categories: biblical, apocryphal, and non-biblical. The biblical manuscripts consist of approximately 200 copies of books from the Hebrew Bible (Christian Old Testament). Among the apocryphal manuscripts (works not included in the Hebrew biblical canon) are works that had previously been known only in translation, or that had not been known at all. The non-biblical manuscripts reflect a wide variety of literary genres: biblical commentary, religious legal writings, liturgical (prayer) texts, and compositions that predict a coming apocalypse.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are widely acknowledged to be among the greatest archaeological treasures linking us to ancient Middle East, and to the formative years of Judaism and Christianity. Over 200 biblical manuscript scrolls are up to a thousand years older than any previously known copies of the Hebrew Bible. Additionally, there are scrolls that seem to represent a distinct form of Judaism that did not survive the Roman destruction of the second Temple in 70 CE. These Scrolls provide an unparalleled glimpse of the religious world in which Christianity, the faith that would become the world’s largest, first took form. In turn, the Jewish and Christian scriptural traditions are recognized in Islam, which followed.

Sixty years after their discovery, following ongoing and dedicated scholarly research continuing to this day, numerous theories abound regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls’ origins. One view of the Scrolls’ origin is that they were created by the Essenes, a group of Jews whose beliefs and practices differed from those of mainstream Judaism as practiced in Jerusalem. Part of the Essenes’ practice included the establishment of a communal centre in the desert. When the Romans invaded, destroying their community around 68 CE, the Essenes hid the manuscripts in nearby caves. The ruins of Khirbet Qumran, situated near the caves, are believed by proponents of this theory to be the communal quarters of the Essenes. Others, however, believe the manuscripts have little or no connection to Qumran and may be more centred in mainstream Jewish life. These theories and other interpretations of life in Khirbet Qumran will be examined in the exhibition.

Today, while some Scrolls are located in Jordan and in Europe, the majority of the scrolls are located in Jerusalem. Eight manuscripts are publicly displayed, on a rotating basis, at the Shrine of the Book while all others are housed at the IAA State Collections. To make these historical treasures accessible to the international public, the IAA allows the scrolls to be exhibited in museums around the world for a maximum of three months. This also facilitates the raising of funds to continue the important and never-ending task of the conservation and preservation of the scrolls. In Montreal, the Redpath Museum at McGill University houses a small number of Dead Sea Scroll fragments. In the 1950s, McGill was poised to purchase a significant group of materials from Cave 4, in the belief that Montreal would become a major centre for the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, the larger plan fell through and these fragments, to be displayed during the ROM’s exhibition, are all that remain in the university’s collection.


The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) serves as the leading professional body for the study of the archaeology of the land of Israel. It is in charge of the country's antiquities, ancient sites and their excavation, preservation, conservation, study and publication. The IAA strives to maintain a balance between development needs and antiquities preservation with the aim to increase public awareness of and interest in the country's rich archaeological heritage. The IAA considers the protection of the country’s heritage a mission of the highest calling.


Co-chaired by Mohammad Al Zaibak, Co-founder, President and CEO of Canadian Development and Marketing Corporation CDMC and CDM Information Inc., Jonas Prince, Chairman of Realstar Group and Tony Gagliano, Executive Chairman and CEO of St. Joseph’s Media, the Dead Sea Scrolls Community Advisory Panel has brought together and oversees a diverse group of influential community leaders to assist in forming partnerships, counsel the ROM on exhibition programming, and identify sources of sponsorship.


The ROM's Dead Sea Scrolls project brings archaeology and culture together with an unprecedented emphasis on associated programs for scholars, adults and families, alike. Donors making an investment in the project’s programming include members of the family of Anne Tanenbaum in her memory. Throughout the entirety of its engagement, the exhibition is highlighted by the exceptional Anne Tanenbaum Lecture Series featuring leading Dead Sea Scrolls authorities from around the world. These lectures, exploring various aspects of the Bible and archaeology, will underscore the importance and continued significance of the Scrolls for the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths of today. Jerusalem in the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Scribes of Qumran, Women in the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Bible in the Religious Islamic Imagination, and Jewish and Christian Origins as Revealed by the Dead Sea Scrolls (delivered by guest curator Dr. Risa Levitt Kohn) are among the topics undertaken in this ambitious line-up.

Running concurrently with the Dead Sea Scrolls engagement, Margins is a newly commissioned contemporary artwork by artist Joshua Neustein which explores themes and ideas suggested by the Scrolls. This installation shapes a dialogue with the Scrolls' historical, religious and cultural traditions and is presented by the ROM's Institute for Contemporary Culture (ICC) in partnership with the Koffler Gallery of the Koffler Centre of the Arts.

Another faith-based ICC presentation in response to the Dead Sea Scrolls is created by rising visual artist, Hamra Abbas. Read will make its North American debut at the ROM following its inaugural engagement at the National Art Gallery in Islamabad. This sculptural sound-based work invites visitors to explore the role of the Islamic faith in Pakistan, Abbas’ country of origin. This installation will open in late July 2009. Margins and Read are both supported by the Hal Jackman Foundation and are located on the ROM’s Level 3, Centre Block, adjacent to another important ancient text, the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

ROMkids Weekends, sponsored by Vanbots, is a time of varied family programming that explores the source of the Scrolls and their content. On Saturdays and Sundays, from June 27 to September 7, children can decode ancient texts, dig for buried artifacts, and explore life in the time of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The whole family is sure to enjoy these hands-on activities.

While groups are invited to the ROM to conduct and facilitate programs of their own, ROM staff will travel throughout Ontario presenting a summary of the Dead Sea Scrolls project to schools, cultural centres and religious organizations. Information on all aspects of Dead Sea Scrolls programming may be found by calling 416.586.5797 or by visiting

Just prior to the exhibition opening, an outstanding Director’s Signature Series featured three renowned authors on successive Tuesday evenings in June addressing the challenging topic “What are your three new Commandments?” Audiences enjoyed thought-provoking speakers including political commentator Christopher Hitchens, author A.J. Jacobs and social critic Camille Paglia.


ROM members already know that the best way to experience the ROM is through Membership. A ROM Individual or Family membership delivers numerous benefits, including free general admission, newsletters, events, previews, discounts and much more. For additional information or to purchase a membership, call 416.586.5700 or visit

During its engagement, docents from the ROM’s Department of Museum Volunteers (DMV) will be present in Dead Sea Scrolls to answer visitors’ questions. The exhibition is featured prominently at New and exciting information about all aspects of the exhibition is added frequently so visit the site often. A dedicated Dead Sea Scrolls Shop is located in the exhibition where a wide array of merchandise including jewellery, Judaica, home décor, stationery, books, CDs, DVDs, and food items will create inspired memories for the exhibition visitor. A selection of these wares is also available in the ROM Museum Store on Level 1. Exciting in-store events, including readings and book signings take place during the exhibition.

The ROM’s fine dining restaurant atop the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal, c5, celebrates Dead Sea Scrolls with its outstanding Green Gastronomy program. On Thursday, September 24, Vertical’s Tawfik Shehata, seen on Food Network Canada, will cook high style Mediterranean for lucky c5 diners while Eran Marom of elegant kosher Marron Bistro Moderne, and Toronto Life’s “Chef to Watch”, will delight c5 guests on Thursday, October 22. For additional information on the program and these special evenings, visit and for reservations, call 416.586.7928.

Admission to Dead Sea Scrolls: Words that Changed the World is included with paid general admission and timed tickets, with a limited capacity, are available at 30-minute intervals. Adults: $28; Students and Seniors with ID: $25; Children (4 to 14 years) $15; Children 3 & under are free. Reduced admission prices to the exhibition apply during the ROM’s Half Price Friday Nights, presented by Sun Life Financial, from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm: Adults: $17; Seniors and Students: $15.50; Children $7.50; Children 3 & under are free. Exhibition viewing hours will differ from general Museum hours and include both extended hours on specific days at the beginning of the engagement as well as near its end. It should be noted that there will be days when the exhibition will not be on view. Please confirm hours online or by telephone prior to visiting. Groups of 10 or more may call ROM Group Sales at 416.586.5801 or email for information on special rates, private guided tours and themed menus. Ontario school groups should visit or call the ROM's Education Department at 416.586.5801 for information on Dead Sea Scrolls School Visits. Offered at both the elementary and secondary level, ROM Education classes offer many links to the province’s curriculum.

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