Rap Artist Baba Brinkman Performs at ROM’s Annual Darwin Lecture

Royal Ontario Museum Michael Lee-Chin Crystal. Bloor Street Entrance.



Press Release

Press Release

Rap Artist Baba Brinkman Performs at ROM’s Annual Darwin Lecture

(Toronto, February 6, 2014): This year’s Annual Darwin Lecture, Celebrating Evolution in the 21st Century, co-presented by ROM Fossils and Evolution and the University of Toronto’s Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department will take place at the Royal Ontario Museum on Wednesday, February 12 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm in Bronfman Hall.  

This year’s presentation features Dr.  Eugenie “Genie” Scott, former Executive Director & Founder of the National Center for Science Education sharing her thoughts on what Charles Darwin would think of today’s creationist movement, more than 150 years after publishing On the Origin of Species. Following Scott is a unique presentation by Canadian rap artist, Dirk “Baba” Brinkman, who is bringing The Rap Guide to Evolution to Toronto. The Annual Darwin Lecture raises awareness of biological evolution and celebrates Darwin’s achievements.

Tickets are now on sale and priced at $10 (students), $15 (ROM members and Humanist Canada) and $20 (general admission). Tickets can be purchased online at https://www.rom.on.ca/en/activities-programs/events-calendar or by calling 416 586 5797 or email programs@rom.on.ca.


American physical anthropologist, Dr. Eugenie Scott is the former Executive Director & Founder of the National Center for Science and Education and a leading critic of the young Earth creationism and intelligent design movements.

Dirk “Baba” Brinkman is a Canadian rap artist, writer, actor and tree planter, who styles himself as the first peer-reviewed rap artist. His Rap Guide to Evolution won the prestigious Scotsman Fringe First Award at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2009 and has toured internationally, including an extended off-Broadway run.


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Presented in partnership with the University of Toronto, with support from Humanist Canada.

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