ROM’s Family Fundays programming ensures a good (and colourful) time to be had by all
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Highlights of this science-based and CHIHULY-inspired edition of Family Fundays include:
Hot glass, hot science! Visit Artech Studios’ mobile glass studio to see how nature’s materials such as sand and fire can come together with human breath to create awe-inspiring art.
Wild Vision & the Bat Maze: Echolocate your way through our maze with “bat goggles”, and see hidden worlds only animals can see!
Reflections on Chihuly's Macchia: Dale Chihuly's Macchia series emphasizes spontaneity, working with his team, and fire, gravity, centrifugal force, and technique. Let the natural world and CHIHULY inspire you to add a piece to the ROM's collaborative installation.
“Glass” Fossils, Frozen in Time: See incredible creatures that lived in the seas long before the dinosaurs. Using fascinating techniques, these ancient animals preserved in quartz reveal their prehistoric secrets.
Sugar Art: Be blown away by the culinary artistry of Lauri Ditunno, New York City-based cake tailor extraordinaire and owner of famed Cake Alchemy, as she creates delicious desserts inspired by glass art and fashion. Demonstrations take place at 12:00 and 3:00 pm each day.
About CHIHULY at the ROM
Featuring the dramatically colourful creations in glass by internationally acclaimed artist Dale Chihuly, CHIHULY features 11 installations, including series favourites, as well as those created especially for the ROM. The exhibition is on display in the ROM’s Garfield Weston Exhibition Hall until January 2, 2017.
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The ROM’s engagement of CHIHULY is supported by
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