The ROM’s redesigned student learning program launches Indigenous Voices February 8, 2021

Royal Ontario Museum Michael Lee-Chin Crystal. Bloor Street Entrance.



Press Release

Press Release

Free virtual learning series brings the Museum into the homes and classrooms of K-12 students across Ontario   
TORONTO, February 5, 2021 – As part of the Museum’s newly redesigned school programs, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) announces the launch of Indigenous Voices, a free virtual series for in-class and at home learning that celebrates distinct Indigenous cultures through arts-based activities and interactive storytelling.   
Indigenous Voices (previously known as Indigenous Insights) launches on Monday,  February 8 and will be broadcast live twice a month in a new webinar format (via Zoom) for its second season. Available to teachers, students (Kindergarten to Grade 12) across the province, the curriculum-based program features Indigenous ROM educators and guest speakers who draw on distinct ancestral objects from the Museum to create inspiring, relevant and engaging learning experiences. For those who are not able to tune in, episodes will be archived on the ROM’s website at ROM at Home following each live broadcast. Kids and families at home are also invited to access these sessions on the website, along with episodes from the first season. 

“The Indigenous Voices series is just one example of how we have redesigned the ROM’s school programs to better service the current and future needs of students, teachers and families,” says Jennifer Wild, Deputy Director for Engagement at the ROM. “By making programs like Indigenous Voices available digitally we can reach students across the province and bring the Museum to them. Now more than ever, when educators are stretched and students are doing more learning online, the ROM’s free virtual programs provide an added resource for schools and kids at home. And by offering unique, one-of-a-kind programs that bring to life Indigenous-focused elements of Ontario’s curriculum in meaningful and authentic ways, we can help fill a critical gap in curriculum-based learning.”  
The development of the Indigenous Voices series supports the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report and gives students and teachers across Ontario greater digital access to Indigenous education, resources, and the collections at the ROM to support their learning. 
Running between 30-45 minutes in length, Indigenous Voices (10 episodes) will be broadcast live twice a month on Mondays at 11 am on Zoom, from February 8 to June 21, 2021. Hosted by J'net Ayayqwayaksheelth, ROM Indigenous Outreach and Learning Coordinator, each episode will cover important and relevant topics, such as Canada’s residential school system, two-spirit identities, and cultural dance styles. The first episode “Intersections of Afro-Indigenous Identity” focuses on multi-disciplinary Afro Caribbean-Indigenous (Kanien’kehá:ka) artist Kaya Joan who explores identity through art, with a creative activation that celebrates personal narratives and encourages participants' understanding of their own intersecting identities.  For more details visit

Indigenous Voices 2021 programming schedule 
February 8: Intersections of Afro-Indigenous Identity (Grades 7-12)  
February 22: Indigenous Flag Art Activity (Grades 1-6)  
March 8: The Power of Poetry & Writing Activity (Grades 9-12) 
March 22: Winter Storyteller & Animal Puppets (Grades K-3) 
April 12: Understanding Genocide Awareness Month (Grades 10-12) 
April 26: Inukshuks & Inuit Drum Dance Lesson (Grades 4-6)   
May 10: Mother’s Day Gift Making & Pow Wow Dance Lesson (Grades 1-6)  
May 31: Residential School Reflection & Reconciliation Art Action (Grade 6-9)   
June 7: Father’s Day Gift Making & Grass Dance Lesson (Grades 1-6)  
June 21, 2021: Two-Spirit Identities & Giveaway Gift Making (Grades 9-12) 
In addition to the Indigenous Voices program, the ROM’s newly redesigned school programs also offer the Virtual Field Trip program. Running this school year until June 2021, the curriculum-connected program is designed to meet the ever-changing needs of classrooms. Led by a team of museum educators, including four Indigenous Museum Educators, the ROM’s virtual field trips offer teachers a variety of programs that provide interactive, object- and inquiry-based learning experiences for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12.   
In the fall of 2020, the Virtual Field Trip program was introduced to schools across the province with a focus in three different topics: Indigenous Perspectives at the ROM, Doing Science, and Exploring the ROM. Virtual sessions were specifically tailored for Grades K-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12 and the response continues to be overwhelmingly positive. The ROM has since doubled its Virtual Field Trip program offerings to meet the increased demand, providing virtual school visits to 36,000 students in Ontario by mid-March. 
Thanks to the generous support of the ROM's School Visits Bursary Program, virtual field trips is made possible by: Ada Slaight and The Slaight Family Foundation, Barrick Gold Corporation, Canada Life, The Home Depot Canada Foundation, KPMG, Linamar, Nancy E.A. Main and Philip and Berthe Morton Foundation. 

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