Ultimate Dinosaurs Take Over the ROM

Royal Ontario Museum Michael Lee-Chin Crystal. Bloor Street Entrance.



Press Release

Press Release

The biggest, strangest and newest dinosaurs
discovered in South America, Africa and Madagascar

Forget about the dinosaurs that you know– prepare
for a whole new breed of beast! Opening June 23, 2012, the Royal
Ontario Museum (ROM) launches the world premiere of
Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from Gondwana. This
exhibition is presented by Raymond James Ltd., one of North America’s
leading full-service investment dealers. Some of the largest and most
unusual dinosaurs to have ever roamed the planet will be on display
until January 6, 2013. In a new exhibition curated,
designed and produced by the ROM, these dinosaurs make their first
stop in Toronto before embarking on an international tour.

Based on groundbreaking research from scientists
around the world, this exhibition reveals bizarre, unusual looking
dinosaurs virtually unknown to North Americans because they evolved in
isolation in South America, Africa and Madagascar.
Ultimate Dinosaurs features three cutting edge
Augmented Reality (AR) experiences, used in creative ways to bring
these specimens to life and illustrate the story of how a dynamic
Earth with drifting continents affected the evolution of dinosaurs,
from a Southern perspective. This scientifically rigorous, cutting-
edge exhibition is supported by the strength of the Museum’s in-house
research and curatorial teams, led by Dr. David Evans, Associate
Curator, Vertebrate Palaeontology in the department of Natural History
at the ROM.

“We’re very excited to present this ROM-produced
world premiere, bringing spectacular dinosaur species that have never
before been seen in Canada,” said Janet Carding, ROM Director and CEO.
“These species are the result of discoveries by some of the world’s
leading palaeontologists. The expertise of the ROM’s own curatorial
team interprets these stories for everyone, and is pivotal to the
exceptional quality of this exhibition.”

“Raymond James is proud to partner with the ROM as
the exhibition’s presenting sponsor to help bring these giant southern
dinosaurs to life in this one-of-a-kind exhibition,” says Paul
Allison, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Raymond James Ltd. “The
ROM continues to break new ground in its efforts to enhance the
cultural and educational experience for its guests, including the use
of Augmented Reality in the exhibition. We are confident this
exhibition will prove to be another fascinating and fun-filled
adventure for dinosaur explorers of all ages.”

Highlights of the Exhibition

Surrounded by life-like environmental murals, the
exhibition features real fossils, skeletons and 17 full-scale
skeletal casts
, many of which have never been seen before in
Canada. ROM visitors will experience the world’s first display of
Futalognkosaurus, a giant long-necked
sauropod, one of the biggest animals to have ever walked the earth
stretching 110 ft. long and weighing as much as 10 elephants. Also on
display are
Giganotosaurus, possibly the largest land predator
to have ever lived, as well as the crocodile-faced spinosaur
Suchomimus, and horned meat-eater Carnotaurus
, and many more.

Augmented Reality

Visitors will come face-to-face with these bizarre
creatures through the use of Augmented Reality (AR),
layering virtual experiences over real environments in the exhibition.
This is the first time the ROM is using AR technology in an exhibition
setting – bringing these giants to life and encouraging visitors to
look at them from a new perspective. Visitors will experience a
fearsome face-off between carnivores Giganotosaurus and T. rex,
enhanced by AR iPad technology, where visitors can decide for
themselves which one is the largest meat-eating dinosaur of all time,
while learning about key differences between the northern and southern
worlds in the twilight of the Age of Dinosaurs.

Exhibition Background

Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from
tells the story of how continental drift
affected the evolution of dinosaurs on the dynamic Earth during the
Mesozoic, 250 – 65 million years ago. When dinosaurs first appeared
250 million years ago, the continents of the Earth were assembled into
the giant supercontinent Pangaea. As Pangaea divided first into
Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south, and later into the
many continents of today, dinosaurs were passengers on these moving
continents. An amazing diversity of dinosaurs evolved on each of these
separate lands. Their imposed geographic isolation helped promote
their evolution into an incredible array of bizarre forms that
dominated wherever they lived.

Ultimate Dinosaurs offers
an unforgettable experience for all ages. Children will love the Dino
Adventure Trail where they can follow in the footsteps of the
palaeontologists who unearthed these strange creatures. Hands-on
activities, including touchable bronze cats and interactive education
pods, will put everything about Southern Dinosaurs at your fingertips.
A wide range of dinosaur-inspired programming will accompany the

Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from

Presented by:

Raymond James

For more information on the exhibition, programming
and ticket sales as it becomes available, visit https://www.rom.on.ca/dinos



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