The Friends of South Asia supports the appreciation for and cultivates awareness of ROM’s Global South Asian gallery and collection. We strive to forge and maintain links with all those who are curious about and interested in Global South Asian art, culture and history. Global South Asia at ROM encompasses Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tibet, and their diasporas.
To promote learning about South Asia, we
Support the curator and the Global South Asia collection at ROM
Develop and publicize Global South Asian programming in partnership with ROM through ROM Connects and Thursday Daytime
Provide a platform for educating the public about the rich and diverse history of Global South Asian Arts
Publish twice-yearly newsletters to keep you informed of what is new in Global South Asia at ROM
Share South Asian content on Instagram
Through donations and fundraising, we have
Spearheaded, networked and fundraised to create the South Asian Gallery and an endowed curatorship
Provided funds for hiring interns to support curatorial research
Raised funds to support curatorial research and for South Asian programming and new acquisitions in the Global South Asian collection
New Friends are Welcome!
If you'd like to volunteer with the FSA & ROM email: fsa@rom.on.ca
For further information in becoming a member, email: fsa@rom.on.ca
To become a member and donate now, Donate Online by choosing Friends of South Asia in the drop-down menu under Fund Allocation. Membership costs $50 and comes with a tax receipt