
Monthly Archive: December Biod

Komodo Dragon Preparation, Step Two: To the Bug Cave! I mean, Bug ROOM

Posted: December 12, 2012 - 15:31 , by Nicole Richards
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A close-up of the Komodo Dragon head before preparation of the speciman began

Viewer discretion advised. Images depict a Komodo Dragon being dissected as it is prepared for the ROM's collections. Some images may be shocking.

Biodiversity: It's in Our Nature Announcement

Posted: December 5, 2012 - 11:40 , by ROM
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On Monday afternoon, on behalf of the ROM, Janet Carding was pleased to welcome The Honourable Michael Gravelle, Minister of Natural Resources, for the announcement of Biodiversity: It's in Our Nature, the Ontario government’s new biodiversity plan. 

Does a mild winter mean more insects?

Posted: October 19, 2012 - 15:27 , by ROM
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With increasing frequency, as spring rolls in, ROM entomologists are asked this question: will mild winter temperatures result in more bugs this spring and summer? Unfortunately, there is no simple “yes” or “no” answer to this question  — the best response is “It depends”. 

Bugs are moving in (not bed bugs this time)

Posted: October 19, 2012 - 08:54 , by ROM
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Question: It’s fall, why are all these bugs coming into my home? I’ve never seen them before!

Western conifer seed bug; copyright ROM images

Go West Young Man, and take a ROM Employee with you

Posted: September 6, 2012 - 10:47 , by Nicole Richards

I’ve just come back from Grasslands National Park with the Grand Prize Winner of the Find the Baby Bison contest, Alexander Muth. I’m the lucky ROM employee chosen to accompany him and his family on the trip (actually no luck involved at all, it was an arm wrestling competition and I’m stronger than I look).

Massive Migration

Posted: April 17, 2012 - 14:10 , by ROM
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Biodiversity Series wins award!

Posted: March 29, 2012 - 10:57 , by ROM
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The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects recognized the City of Toronto Biodiversity Series of booklets with their Service to the Environment award. The award is “In recognition of the recipient’s ongoing contribution in supporting sensitive, sustainable stewardship of the environment.”

A Rare and Beautiful Bird

Posted: January 5, 2012 - 11:55 , by royal


A closer look at a living barn owl perched.

Their distinctive heart-shaped face actually helps improve their hearing. With lop-sided ears, they can easily pinpoint prey with sound alone. Photo by Steve Brace

The Bee Contest Winner Visits the ROM!

Posted: October 15, 2011 - 14:30 , by Sarah Elliott

I love sharing the cool secrets of the ROM with visitors, so it really made my day when our Name the Queen Bee Contest winner Kaitlyn visited the ROM with her mom and her brother Kynan (who also happened to be our third place winner). I got to show them around the Keenan Family Gallery of Hands-on Biodiversity and Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity, as well as introduce them to a few special friends of mine who live behind-the-scenes at the ROM.

Yellowjackets (a.k.a. Late Summer Picnic Pests)

Posted: September 28, 2011 - 10:24 , by ROM
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We love picnicking outside in the summer but in August and September our meals are inevitably cut short because of wasps. What are they and what can we do about them?