July 2024

Monthly Archive: July 2024

Entomystery – why did the beetles go to camp?

Posted: July 29, 2024 - 11:44 , by ROM
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Occasionally, I put on my entomological detective hat to investigate insect mysteries. This one was a beetle mystery at my son’s camp in a Toronto elementary school. My son reported a large number (hundreds!) of tiny beetles swarming the windows in his classroom and asked me to look at them. 

The ROM's Remarkable Bees

Posted: July 29, 2024 - 08:00 , by ROM
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Honey Bees clustered in a hive

Guest blog by Antonia Guidotti, Entomology Technician 

ROM visitors love the live hive of European Honey Bees in the Hands-on Biodiversity Gallery. They are encouraged to look for the queen bee and if they find her, will receive an “I found the Queen Bee” sticker. 

Most Common Questions

 Are they alive?

Yes, they are. Look closely at the hive and you will see how busy these bees are. 

What do they eat?