Author Archive: ROM

Monthly Archive: December ROM

#ThrowbackThursday: Quite a Feat

Posted: February 2, 2017 - 15:13 , by ROM
"It looks rather hopeless but it worked."

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka Dorothy K. Burnham and Harold B. Burnham.

Sports et divertissements: a unique resource for researchers in design history

Posted: January 27, 2017 - 16:54 , by ROM
Portfolio cover of Sports et divertissements

Toronto based researcher, illustrator and textile artist, Ketzia Sherman, discusses the ROM Library & Archives' recent acquisition of a rare copy of Sports et divertissements, a musical score by Erik Satie with pochoir illustrations by Charles Martin, hand-coloured by Jules Saudé (Paris: Publications Lucien Vogel, [1923]).

#ThrowbackThursday: Stippling the Walls

Posted: January 19, 2017 - 12:00 , by ROM
"Frank finishing painting the weaving shed."

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka Dorothy K. Burnham and Harold B. Burnham.

The Book of Life

Posted: January 16, 2017 - 21:29 , by ROM
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These rock layers near Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, hold Canada’s oldest dinosaurs. They are near the boundary of two chapters of geologic time – the Triassic and Jurassic Periods of the Mesozoic Era. (Photo by Victoria Arbour)

By Dr. Victoria Arbour, ROM Postdoctoral Researcher


#ThrowbackThursday: Needle and Thread

Posted: January 5, 2017 - 10:00 , by ROM
"Judy takes a crease out of a coverlet after it is hanging up."

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka Dorothy K. Burnham and Harold B. Burnham.

#ThrowbackThursday: Saws and Drills

Posted: December 22, 2016 - 10:00 , by ROM
"Frank getting the blue paint on the floor of the blanket cases."

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka Dorothy K. Burnham and Harold B. Burnham.

#ThrowbackThursday: Not a Lick of Paint

Posted: December 8, 2016 - 10:08 , by ROM
Black and white photo of a man mopping a platform

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka Dorothy K. Burnham and Harold B. Burnham.

Storytelling: Art, Culture, Nature

Posted: November 29, 2016 - 13:35 , by ROM
This year’s overall winner of Wildlife Photographer of Year is Tim Laman and his photo story, “While the forest still stands.” This image from the story is titled “Entwined lives.” It shows an orangutan high in a tree with the rest of the canopy below

Guest blog by Environmental Visual Communication graduate Samantha Stephens

Art, Culture, Nature. They may be separate words, but if we consider them separate disciplines, we are doing a disservice to the potential of human wisdom. Without nature, there is no culture. Without culture, there is no art. EVC grad Samantha Stephens gives us some examples of how these themes intertwine in recent ROM research and exhibits, including the 2017 Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit, open now!

#ThrowbackThursday: Drying in the Garden

Posted: November 24, 2016 - 10:00 , by ROM
Judy drying a coverlet in the ROM garden

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka Dorothy K. Burnham and Harold B. Burnham.

#ThrowbackThursday: Overshot Coverlets

Posted: November 10, 2016 - 10:00 , by ROM

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka Dorothy K. Burnham and Harold B. Burnham.