Royal Ontario Museum Blog

Monthly Archive: December

Clay sealings from Edfu, Egypt in the Greek & Roman collection

Posted: February 9, 2016 - 16:35 , by Kay Sunahara
Ptolemaic seal impressions in collection storage drawers

Over a century after they were acquired Ptolemaic artifacts at the Royal Ontario Museum, Greek & Roman collection, get new homes

Valentine's Day at the ROM: Unique Painting of Lovers

Posted: February 9, 2016 - 10:57 , by royal
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Miniature painting showing Radha and Krishna, (gouache on paper), Mughal period, India, 18th century

Guest blog by Sudharshan Duraiyappah, a scholar and instruction at the University of Toronto and the ROM

A cursory glance at the 17th century Kangra painting featuring Radha and her lover Krishna, who according to Hindu mythology is considered an incarnation of the god Vishnu, might elicit a double take. This miniature painting in the ROM’s collection portrays the fair – skinned Radha in her male lover’s attire and the dark- skinned Krishna wearing his female lover’s garments.

Behind-the-scenes with OKCHF researchers and the ROM's Korean collection

Posted: February 2, 2016 - 12:08 , by ROM
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In the summer of 2015 the ROM’s Department of World Cultures hosted a team of Korean researchers from the Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation (OKCHF). In August 2016 the OKCHF project team will be returning to the ROM for the second half of this two part assignment in order to finish photographing and researching the rest of the ROM’s Korean collection. 

Conversations with Theo

Posted: February 1, 2016 - 13:00 , by ROM
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Theo stands next to a Triceratops skull in the Royal Ontario Museum's dinosaur gallery

Join ROM member Anne Thériault as she interivews her son about all things ROM!

Photographer thoughts: A conversation with Mark Peck

Posted: January 26, 2016 - 17:38 , by ROM
An adult blue jay rests on a branch in the winter season in Ontario. Photo by Mark Peck

Guest Blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Fatima Ali

In spite of his “im-peck-able” career as an ornithology technician in the Department of Natural History at the ROM, Mark Peck is also a world traveller and an avid natural history photographer with a special interest in breeding and nesting birds. Fatima interviewed Mark to get his thoughts on what it is that drives his passion for photographing birds and other wildlife.

#EmptyROM 3!

Posted: January 19, 2016 - 14:26 , by ROM
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Photo of Roman Portrait Busts on level 3 at the Royal Ontario Museum

Instagram whiz? Join us on Feb. 24th for oue next #EmptyROM tour!

Blue Whale Update: From Trenton with Love

Posted: December 22, 2015 - 11:25 , by ROM
It took a team of seven people to lift the blue whale heart enough to finish wrapping it. Photo by Stacey Lee Kerr

It’s that time of year where many of us are pretty focused on the holidays. Spending time with family and friends, baking and eating loads of treats, and - let’s be honest - the gifts. Finding them, buying them, wrapping them, and getting them to where they need to go, whether the destination is under the Christmas tree, or to be mailed to relatives somewhere else around the world.

So, given that everybody’s in this present-logistics state of mind, we have a gift-wrapping question for you… how do you ship a blue whale heart?

Burgess Shale fossil site reveals oldest evidence of brood care

Posted: December 17, 2015 - 12:00 , by David McKay
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Illustration of Waptia carrying eggs or juveniles.

Waptia fieldensis research shows parenting has a long history (508 million years)

Brood care, where the adult carries its eggs or juveniles to help increase their survival, was an important evolutionary step. However, little is known about how and when this strategy began.

Incredible Wildlife Photos... Taken by 10-Year-Olds

Posted: December 14, 2015 - 15:16 , by ROM
Ten-year-old wildlife photographer Josiah Launstein sits bundled up and ready to take the shot.

Guest Blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Cassidy McAuliffe

If you think you need years of experience to be a good photographer… think again! After viewing photos taken by youth in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit at the ROM, you may find yourself itching to start snapping photos.

Padded Hangers 2.0: Revamping Storage for Fitted Jackets

Posted: December 14, 2015 - 12:33 , by royal
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The ROM recently acquired 6 fitted jackets by the designer Martin Margiela. We created additional support by adding creating padded forms for the body and arms that would fit over the polyethylene wire hangers.