Royal Ontario Museum Blog

Monthly Archive: December

Judging a Book By Its Cover: ROM Images in print

Posted: March 26, 2013 - 09:49 , by royal
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An oil painting by Paul Kane depiciting Plains Métis travelling

The LEGO Maya Pyramid that 5000 kids built

Posted: March 25, 2013 - 14:48 , by ROM
The LEGO Maya Pyramid that 5000 kids built

For our March Break programming this year I wanted to mark the 50th anniversary of the excavation of an incredible ancient Maya site -  Altun Ha, Belize

Hands on in the Archaeology Lab at University of California, Merced

Posted: March 25, 2013 - 13:43 , by Kay Sunahara
Kay Sunahara leading ceramic petrology workshop at University of California-Merced, Dept. of Anthropology

Kay Sunahara introduced students to the study of archaeological ceramics using petrographic analysis.

A bird in the hand... by Mark Peck, Ornithology Technician, ROM Biodiversity

Posted: March 22, 2013 - 15:43 , by royal
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A bird in the hand... by Mark Peck

Every year, thousands of migrating birds encounter urban environments on their way to breeding or feeding grounds.  Birds mistake the reflection in buildings for habitat during the day, and are attracted to light at night - both situations cause an estimated 1 million bird deaths per year in Toronto alone.  

Bring on the Welcoming Committee: Doni the Komodo Dragon is Here

Posted: March 20, 2013 - 16:24 , by Nicole Richards
A close-up of the Komodo Dragon in the Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity

It's taken over a year to get this specimen ready, but the newest addition for the Schad Gallery was worth the wait.

Better than Saturday morning cartoons

Posted: March 20, 2013 - 16:11 , by Allison Gillies
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One-year-old Peter

One-year-old Peter likes looking at the paper with his parents on Saturday mornings (or better yet, ripping it apart, says his dad). This past weekend he went straight for the latest copy of Let’s ROM and started flipping through it with a look of intense concentration on his face. The ROM’s March Break offerings (and the chance to meet dino mascots Gertie and Gordo) must have appealed to Peter and he wasn’t alone; the Museum welcomed 66,006 visitors—a March break attendance record— this past week for its special interactive programming.

Komodo Dragon Preparation, Step 3: Cleaning and Articulating the Bones

Posted: March 19, 2013 - 16:32 , by Nicole Richards
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A volunteer cleans the remaining tissue from the Komodo Dragon skull

The final stages of preparing Doni, the Komodo Dragon for display

Travels in India, part 5

Posted: March 15, 2013 - 12:44 , by ROM

Senior Preparator, Bob Walsh was asked to give a talk on his specialty, exhibit lighting design, by the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India.

Travels in India, part 4

Posted: March 13, 2013 - 15:01 , by ROM
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Senior Preparator, Bob Walsh was asked to give a talk on his specialty, exhibit lighting design, by the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India.

Travels in India, part 3

Posted: March 11, 2013 - 09:49 , by ROM
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In the Old City of Ahmedabad

Senior Preparator, Bob Walsh was asked to give a talk on his specialty, exhibit lighting design, by the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India.