Royal Ontario Museum Blog

Monthly Archive: December

How do you hang a floor on the wall?

Posted: June 16, 2011 - 13:04 , by royal

Today, we’re excited to present a sneak peek of the installation of the mosaic floor panels in the ROM’s new Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of Byzantium, opening July 1, 2011.

Floor mosaic being mounted to the wall

Hungry Like the Frog

Posted: June 14, 2011 - 15:13 , by royal
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Deep in the darkest depths of the ROM’s herpetology department lives a miniature but fearsome predator: the Pacman frog. Yes, you read that correctly: the Pacman frog, or Ceratophrys ornata to those who study him and his voracious ways.

His name is Gracie, and he’s 17 years old (not bad for an amphibian!). To give you an idea of the small size and large appetite of this capable predator, we snapped some shots of him having lunch.

History of the White Wedding Dress

Posted: April 29, 2011 - 13:56 , by royal

The white wedding gown worn by many brides today didn’t became popular until the Victorian Era.  In fact, many contribute the popularity to Queen Victoria herself, who wore white to her wedding day.

Before this time, European brides were known to wear dresses in a variety of colours and embroidered with elaborate patterns.  However, the white wedding dress was quickly adopted in the 19th century by brides on both sides of the Atlantic.

Take a peek at these beautiful examples of Canadian wedding dresses in the ROM’s textile collection: