Royal Ontario Museum Blog

Monthly Archive: December

Phil Currie, the legend, my hero, is coming to the ROM!

Posted: October 5, 2012 - 09:03 , by Kiron Mukherjee

One of the greatest experiences of my life occurred when I was just 7 years old. My mom took me for a week-long adventure to Alberta to visit Drumheller and the Badlands.

kiron, with the bandlands through to the horizon.

On the Shoulders of Giants – Phil Currie at the ROM on Oct. 7th

Posted: October 4, 2012 - 12:10 , by royal
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First introduced to dinosaurs through a plastic toy in a cerealbox, renowned palaeontologist Philip J. Currie embarked on a life-long journey to study these creatures of the past.

Life in the ROM DNA Lab

Posted: October 3, 2012 - 12:30 , by royal
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By Oliver Haddrath, Ornithology Technician

DNA testing over the last 30 years has revolutionized many different fields ranging from health care to law enforcement to the study of human civilization and natural history.  The ROM was quick to adopt techniques such as DNA sequencing and genetic fingerprinting as powerful tools to help study its collections.

#5Reasons for our Mediaeval Fair!

Posted: September 28, 2012 - 09:03 , by Kiron Mukherjee
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Five reasons why our Mediaeval Fair (September 29/30) is going to be awesome!

Kiron's Mediaeval Look

ROM Mycologists in the field

Posted: September 24, 2012 - 13:20 , by royal
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Posting by Kirstin Bourne

Mushroom season has only just started and already ROM mycologists have been out in the field conducting research and searching for new specimens to add to the museum collection. Last week I got the chance to join Jean-Marc Moncalvo, the ROM’s Senior Curator of Mycology, along with Ph.D. Candidate Santiago Sanchez and Josie Carding, a summer intern in the Schad Gallery of Biodiversity for a few days of foraging and camping in Ontario’s Awenda Provincial Park.

A surprise photograph from India

Posted: September 20, 2012 - 15:53 , by Deepali Dewan

Mystery portrait in the ROM's collection, later revealed to be Sunder Shyam Chadha in the film “Chhottii Babhi,” 1951

Gem of the Month: Canadian Diamonds

Posted: September 20, 2012 - 13:00 , by royal
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Posting by Brendt Hyde, Mineralogy Technician

The discovery of diamonds in the 1990’s marked a beginning for Canada’s first diamond mine, the Ekati Diamond Mine, located in the Northwest Territories.  It also marked the beginning of the, still relatively young, diamond mining industry in Canada.

Words in Images

Posted: September 17, 2012 - 13:00 , by royal

By Ka Bo Tsang, Assistant Curator – Chinese Paintings & Textiles

Most people think of Chinese painting as artwork created by artists using special brushes in combination with ink and colour pigments to give shape to ideas on paper or silk through the adroit manipulation of lines, dots, and spots. While this general impression is true, there are exceptions.

Exclusive Interview with World Renowned Palaeontologist Paul Sereno

Posted: September 14, 2012 - 21:10 , by royal
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ROM: Hi Paul, we are thrilled that you are coming to speak at the ROM this Sunday and we would love it if you could answer a couple of questions in advance as we prepare for your arrival. I understand you studied art and biology at Northern Illinois University. How did you go from that to becoming one of the world’s most famous palaeontologists?

Paul Sereno is coming to the ROM!

Posted: September 14, 2012 - 09:03 , by royal

Paul Sereno, one of my FAVOURITE palaeontologists, is coming to @ROMToronto this Sunday and I could not be be MORE excited. Except for maybe those times when I was a kid…

(cue time travel sound effect- swosh swish swash)

When I was a kid I had a pretty strict bed time. For grades 3 through 5, bed time was somewhere around 8-9PM. Very rarely were exceptions made. About the only time I ever remember my mom letting me stay up was for one of my favourite tv shows, Paleoworld.