Royal Ontario Museum Blog

Monthly Archive: December

From the Field: Ancient Sea Scorpion Fossil Found

Posted: September 7, 2011 - 08:39 , by royal

July 23

Clear skies at last! Down to the coast to catch good morning lighting and a fortuitously low tide, so we can see in detail how fossil-bearing Upper Ordovician carbonate deposits (445 million years old) at our main locality “lap” against the elevated flanks of a much more ancient rock mass. This highly resistant Proterozoic (about 2500 million-year-old) quartzite body is the remnant of a small island that formed part of an archipelago in shallow Ordovician subtropical seas.

Summerasaurus Part V: The Badlands

Posted: September 2, 2011 - 09:10 , by royal

Walking through the badlands is like walking through a western novel: canyons cut through the prairie, exposing layers of brown, gold, black and white sediment. Clichés keep popping up: tumbleweeds roll by, cactus pop out from unexpected places, and cattle skulls bleach in the sun. Scorpions hide in coal seams, soaking up the sun’s heat from the black rock that camouflages them. It’s a bit overwhelming at first, but once you accept the fact that you’re in a place unlike anywhere else in Canada, it all becomes simple and beautiful.

Summerasaurus Part IV: How to Find Dinosaurs

Posted: August 23, 2011 - 12:25 , by royal

Mark Farmer recently returned from an expedition to the badlands of southern Alberta with Dr. David Evans, Associate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the ROM, in search of dinosaurs. Join us as Mark and Dr. Evans put up their notes from the field, detailing discoveries, how dinosaurs are found and excavated, life in the field and more.

Cod and Caribou – good management, natural resiliency or media headlines

Posted: August 22, 2011 - 15:24 , by royal
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A fish swimming in blue water.

Cod. Photo by *Saipal. Flickr Creative Commons.

Water: The Play set to make another splash at the ROM

Posted: August 17, 2011 - 11:38 , by royal
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Actors Lauren Spring and Thomas Gallezot, co-founders and creative directors of the Extant Jesters and Young Jesters Theatre Companies, return to the ROM with the latest presentation of Water: The Play.

Entomystery – why did the beetles go to camp?

Posted: August 12, 2011 - 11:44 , by ROM
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Antonia looks at the bug through a microscope in the ROM's entomology lab.

Antonia takes a closer look at the mystery beetle while solving the case of the unwelcome summer camp critters. Photo B Boyle.

Five Questions for Hina P. Ansari

Posted: August 11, 2011 - 11:50 , by ROM

Hina P. Ansari’s relationship with Bollywood goes way back to the burgeoning of the industry. Her grandfather was a multi-faceted filmmaker known as one of the leading and first film noir directors of the Mumbai-based industry.